Chapter One

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Nervously glancing around, you seem to notice the state of this town. Beggers on the street, shops in various states of distress, illegal trades happening where soldiers are patrolling. How can someone live in this dump. How can your little boy be sold to work in this shit filled country.

Oh, poor Tobias. How can your father sell you to that pompous hairdresser. How can a man be so cruel to give his only child away for some measly silvers? How did I ever find it in my heart to marry that big oaf.

Having just arrived in London, you can't say you're pleased at the conditions. Dressed in this raggedy outfit just so you can appear more masculine to save you the trouble of being robbed or possibly even abducted. The sun, having set a while ago, hasn't helped your predicament of finding somewhere to rest for the night.

Your stomach growled, alerting the feline asleep in your bag. Felix peeked out of the flaps and meowed causing you to smile at the black beauty fondly. You scratched his head and looked around for an inn as your legs grew tiresome.

"Would you have any s-spare change, kind sir? Any amount would help, I-I haven't eaten in days." You looked beside you to see a strange young beggar looking at you pleadingly. Sighing you reached into your pockets and pulled out two silvers and placed it into the palm of her hands.

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much! I will never forget this kindness!" The blonde smiled at you and started to walk away as you called out to her.

"Excuse me ma'am. Would you happen to know if there is an inn nearby?" You said struggling to maintain a deep voice. The beggar who has not heard you, scurried off quickly around a corner. Defeated, you kept walking until you found an empty alley and decided that would be your home for tonight. Eyes furrowing in disgust at the little critters crawling around, you reluctantly sat on the ground and tried to get some rest before the search for your son continues.


"DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME CHRISTOPH. WHERE IS TOBIAS." You screamed at your husband as he walked to your shared bedroom. Tears flowing down your eyes as you quickly followed him.

"Where did you send our boy off to." Christoph halted in his steps and sighed. He walked towards you and hugged you close.

"Es tut mir leid liebling, but we need the money. You know how my business haven't been doing well. And besides, Toby is going to be the apprentice for one of the best barbers in all of Europe. He will be alright." Christoph held you close as you sobbed.

Your husband. He has gone too far.

You roughly pushed him away from you and pointed an accusing finger at him. Anger clouding your sadness as you looked at Christoph.

"I have let you go for too many things. I have let you use me, hit me, yell at me, order me around, manipulate me. I have let you talk sweet words to me, praying you would be better for our family, I have trusted your fucking words for too long." Your voice shook with rage as you looked at that man. "Fuck, I should have listened to my parents all those years ago when they said you weren't a man to grow old with. But I argued with them, I disagreed with them, I left just to be with you because I believed in you." Grabbing onto his collar, you pulled Christoph down to your face, glowering at him. "But you crossed the fucking line. You crossed the line when you yelled at Toby for not being up to your standards, for hitting MY son like he is nothing but a punching bag. And now you sell him? YOU SELL HIM OFF TO THIS SHITTY MAN FOR SOME SILVER YOU'RE GOING TO USE FOR THAT MISTRESS OF YOURS?!" Christoph's eyes widened at the mention of his affair, thinking you were just too oblivious to notice. He was quick to deny but you cut him off. "Oh yes, I knew. I always knew. I didn't say anything because I love you. I loved you. I am a foolish girl with big dreams. But this has been a nightmare." You finished as you spat in his face and pushed him away and enraging Christoph. He yanked you towards him about to give you a lesson for yelling at him but halted. He looked down as he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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