3 - The girl in the forest

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Nature began to show signs of early spring. The mountains looked beautiful, with the snow melting and the first signs of colour beginning to peak out.
Light pinks and greens, pale yellows and blues, began to blossom. Tentatively the first signs of colour and growth had began once again, this time though, it was as if mother nature had hinted at the first buddings of love for two people.

The ice in the lakes had melted and Jimin had went out to explore. Maybe he'd catch a fish or two. The entire atmosphere was so beautiful, the air crisp and cool. The smell of earth and trees enveloping him in a bubble of happiness.
He just had to simply get away, he couldn't stand the torture of having to explain what a mate is to the rest of his clueless members about what the differences are and so on and so forth.

That was a job for the Alpha alone (heh-heehehe) there were some things just the Alpha could do. And this was one of it. He didn't mean bad, just the idea of talking and thinking about it made his chest tighten and a funny feeling he associated with nervousness began to unfold inside.

His lungs seized up and his throat closed. If he was human he'd brush it off as being sick, but he was a shifter wolf and they only died one of three ways: 1. their mate had passed, 2. they were physically wounded and 3. they are separated from their mate and their link was destroyed in that process.

He shivered just thinking of it or maybe it was the weather?
He wore a thin shirt for the sake of it, another advantage of being a werewolf. The high body temperatures. They lived better in colder climates naturally. Imagine them in deserts..... no, that would perhaps be a fourth way to kill them, heat overload.

The truth is this prophecy shook him to the core. More than it did for Hoesoek. Jimin displayed a calm disposition, not commenting much on it. In truth though, he felt as if a clock started counting down. To what? he didn't know.
Sleep evaded him last night, he kept tossing around. Eventually he just lay on his back bare chested, because it was still hot for him despite the season.

It would have been a beautiful time for him to sit with his thoughts and have a one on one. The night creatures sang in beautiful harmony. He could have used that as a time to recharge and sort his thoughts out. Focusing on the night sounds, with the glittery sky and tall mountains as a beautiful back drop. He'd usually just sit at his window enjoying being at peace for a few hours, that he simply could not have during the day. There was something magical about the night hours. It felt like it kept secrets and lent an ear to hear any trouble that sat on anyone's chest.

Well it would have been nice although, last night the beautiful melody nature sang was interrupted by Jungkooks incessant snoring which spoilt it, like a terrible opera singer trying to keep tune with an orchestra of nature.
Jimin sighed. He could do nothing about it, Jungkook had an uncanny knack to see right through people.
Had Jimin went to the room next to his and tried to stop his snoring; either by throwing a pillow at him or shaking him by the shoulders Jungkook would know something troubled him.

He'd been able to cover it up at the meeting room last night, but only because Jungkook was too busy sulking and had preceded to become shell-shocked by the news, thereafter.

At the rate he sawed logs, as if competing with a beaver, it didn't seem like he was the least bit worried about this news. He probably assumed the Alpha would be first up. Poor chump. "Mates didn't find each other in any specific order", funny enough Jungkook could find his first from all of them.
"Did Kookie remember that?"

Didn't seem like it seeing as how his opera solo persisted. At some point in the night Jimin had resigned and tried to ignore it by blocking it out. Instead he focused on the pitch and tone, "a bit like braying..." he thought to himself, "no, no it sounds more like a chainsaw, slicing through a huge tree that fell; not that we used those machines", at this point he realised that was slowly loosing his mind and decided to preserve whatever little sanity he had left, and woke up.

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