I Hate December

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It's December again.

It's snow again.

How I hate this season.

After staring out the window for a long time and getting bitter, I put on my shoes and go out reluctantly... I have to shop.

As soon as I come out, the cold surrounds me.

I hate this period. I see children jumping happily. They throw snow and laugh.

I walk past full of bitterness. I wish I was home. I think.

Snoop everywhere. My shoes are soaked because of it! I yelled in my head.

I continue walking down the street when suddenly I feel an icy blast on my back.

My face turns red and I turn around.

A small group of small children...

They laugh until they see my face filled with rage and indignation.

They runs away... anyway, or I'd kill them.
I go back to walking, and after a few minutes I arrive at the store. I'm going inside.... everywhere Christmas lights and similar useless things.

I hate Christmas.
After tiring shopping for all the groceries, I can finally go home.

After a long walk and murdering a few children with my eyes, I'm finally home. I take off my water-soaked shoes and my jacket.

I hate children.

I put the accumulated ingredients in the fridge and settle down on the sofa.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I turn on the TV. Christmas commercials immediately jump out at me.


I spend the rest of the day watching TV... I wanted to sleep but some kids were making noise outside!

I hate children.

It's night.

I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.

Same thing again tomorrow...

Like every day.

I hate December.

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