Hold on to the memories

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December 31st- 11:45 pm.

Parties suck.

Specs ditches it ages ago, opting to slink behind the porch swing and cradle his remaining daiquiri as if his life depends on it. Which it does. There is no way he could handle the rest of the year—fifteen minutes of it left, sober. Not that hiding matters anyway. Outside there's an even bigger group of people, shouting, screaming along to the song playing on the speakers. Fireworks crackle above his head, a rainbow mishmash of colors that blend into the misty sky, along with some cigarette smoke.

He can't remember why he even showed up. He didn't know any of these people fooling around like idiots. Was he even invited? Or did he just go along with Tucker?

He jolts from his daze to realize something. 'Oh fuck I lost Tucker. How did I lose Tucker? He's not exactly an easy person to lose!'

Thankfully Tucker wasn't his designated driver, but he still liked having him around for moral support.

He couldn't remember the last time he saw him. It was...maybe it was when he was wandering around the house. The music was pounding in his ears, and Tucker had mentioned something about helping his cousin with..something. What was that something?

"Don't go anywhere, Specs, I just need to help Taylor clean up the—you know. Ugh."

Puke. Right. Someone had puked inside the cat's litter box. And that was when Specs decided to step outside to get some air.

He takes another sip of his drink, swallowing away the tartness of it all, the blended ratio of lime to rum being too uneven for even him to find it delicious in any capacity. Not to mention it seemed to make his vision worse. It wasn't unusual for his glasses to slip off, seeing as they needed to be adjusted every other second, but upon touching his face, he feels the frame right on the bridge of his nose. He simply hadn't noticed, with the noise and the overwhelming atmosphere of it all. He wouldn't mind going home before midnight. Maybe he could catch Elise and they could go spirit hunting.

Except she was off playing bingo with her friends, so even if he did get back, she wouldn't be there.

His glass was empty now. Specs places it aside and exhales, resting his back against the edge of the porch stairs. It was only when he let himself wander for a bit towards the lawn that he notices a tall, bearded man moving towards him.

"There you are!" Tucker says and with no hesitation plops right next to him.

"Surprise, you found me." He replies flatly.

"You're not that hard to find. Five-foot nothing guy with glasses." He ignores Spec's noise of faux outrage. "And, I happened to notice you ran off without telling me."

"Aw, you do care."

Tucker shoots him a look, before taking a swig of whiskey.

Specs leans over, bumping his shoulder against him lightly without thinking. "I needed the fresh air." He admits after a moment of silence.

"Air's not that fresh out here."

"It's better outside than in. Can't stand the noise."

"Well it is a New Years party, kinda expect it to be a little noisy."

"New Years Eve party," He corrects. "No one actually celebrates New Year's Day 'cause they're too busy recovering from their hangovers. Y'know, it almost makes zero sense why it exists. There's nothing special about it. And...and new years resolutions? Like who the hell does those? It's so dumb. And fuck, it's so loud."

"Specs, how drunk are you?" Tucker smirks, allowing the other to lean closer almost into his lap.

"Yes." He grumbles.

"If you hate the noise so much, why did you show up?"

"You know why."

Mischief twinkles in his warm brown eyes. "Guess I do." His voice is gruff, but comforting. "Because I'm your best friend, and the only person who would invite you to a party. There's a first time for everyone, Specs."

"Fuck off. That's only partly true."


"What time is it?" He gestures at Tucker's watch.

He glances down. "Nearly midnight, about a minute."

"Ha, you've got a few seconds then to figure out your resolution."

"I thought you said resolutions were dumb?"

"They are, that's why I expect you to do one. Duh."

He rolls his eyes. "Alright, my resolution is---"

Someone shouts over the buzz of voices. "Ten seconds till midnight! Everyone couple up, and get ready!"

It takes them a second to realize what's going on. Men with women, men with men, women with women, all huddling in the cold, waiting in anticipation as they start to count down.


"Is this the part where we kiss?" Specs whispers, not realizing he says it aloud. "Oh fuck."


Tucker seems taken aback, his eyes wide in astonishment at the suggestion. "I---think so? Do we?"

He shrugs. "Not if you don't want to! My mouth started doing the talking...before I finished thinking."

Tucker chuckles. "

Let's do it, man. It's tradition."


Neither man knows who moves first. Specs feels Tucker tenderly cup his cheek to tilt it slightly, his rough, chapped lips finally pressing against his in a soft gesture of affection. Specs didn't expect to feel anything but a quick burst of adrenaline. Instead he felt light, tingling all of a sudden---and it wasn't because Tucker's beard was tickling him.

When they pull away, Specs is left wanting more. He catches a glimpse of Tucker's eyelashes fluttering open, and he nearly passes out at the sight. He never realized how beautiful he is, never grasped just how his eyes seemed to shine under the moonlight.


"Woah." He echoes. "That was..."

"Yeah...that was...really---" His cheeks redden, at a loss for words.


"Yeah, nice, that's the word I was looking for."

"Happy New Year?"

"Happy New Year." He nudges him. "You never told me your resolution."

Tucker winks, placing his hand in Spec's hip. "Don't need to. I already did my resolution for this year."

Hold on to the memories (Insidious Fic)Where stories live. Discover now