Part 5

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POV: Mr Park

I was discharged from hospital and I couldn't wait to get to my room and shut everyone out of my space. Even though I was going to stay with my brother, I didn't mind. I missed living together, but I also understood that we both needed space, not only from each other but from everything.

So far, Hannah had been well behaved. She did everything she was told without complaining, and I truly applaud her cooking. She whipped up a storm in the kitchen... delicious, juicy food.

Being in a wheelchair made life miserable for me. I couldn't do much without assistance, and it became frustrating. Maybe it was because I was a first-time user, but overall, I was over being sick. I longed to be in my own house, in the comfort of my four walls, undisturbed, but I was at Gideon's house.

"Under my roof, your rules don't apply, understood, brother?' Gideon remarked.

I found myself lost in thoughts, gazing at the pool water. "Mr. Park," Hannah called out. "It's lunchtime, and Gideon stepped out. Would you like to feed yourself?" As I couldn't use my left shoulder due to the pain, I asked Hannah to assist me with feeding. She graciously complied. Our conversation veered towards a grey hoodie she wore, a piece of clothing I had unintentionally given her. I told her to keep it, as it suited her better than me.

She smiled. "Thank you, sir."

Hannah fed me gently, showing care and patience, as I was a slow eater. I found myself bored, noticing the smallest details about Hannah, hating myself for doing so. Why couldnt I just admire the water or the greenery around? "Should I take you to your room for your nap, sir?" Hannah offered.

"That would be lovely."

She pushed my wheelchair towards the guest room, her petite frame handling my weight with surprising strength. With her help, I managed to settle onto the bed. Grateful for her assistance, I thanked her as she left the room. Feeling a sense of relief, I dozed off quickly, worn out emotionally and mentally from recent events. My brother's concern for my well-being was evident through arranging for a psychologist and a physiotherapist.

Reflecting on my life compared to my brother's impending marriage, I pondered my own desires for companionship. However, my standards were high, seeking someone genuine with a firm identity in Christ Jesus and not driven by material gain. Content with the prospect of solitude, I accepted the likelihood of being alone.

POV: Hannah

I noticed Mr. Park didnt have many people around. His brother, Gideon, was practically the only visitor. It was saddening. Why did he prefer solitude? Did he intend to live the rest of his life that way? Maybe I was too young to understand; perhaps one day, I'd also experience such isolation as I only had my sister and Katherine.

"Have you ever considered setting your brother up with someone? He seems lonely," I asked Gideon.

"Been there, done that, Hannah," he smiled.

"Who will look after him when you're married?"

Gideon chuckled. "He's a capable man; God will take care of him."

Perhaps I pitied Mr. Park a lot due to his situation. Emotions aside, if he had God that was more than enough. In the cozy warmth of the room, Gideon's gentle voice broke the silence, "Do you have someone taking care of you, Hannah?" I hesitated, mulling over my response before finally replying, "Well..."

Gideon's warm smile enveloped me as he leaned in, curiosity evident in his eyes. "What's his name?" His genuine interest made me feel seen.

A soft smile graced my lips as I shared, "Her name is Kathrine, Kathy for short. I used to stay with her, but now, thanks to your brother, I have my own place for the time being." The memory of their kindness filled me with gratitude and warmth.

The next question weighed heavier in the air, "I'm truly sorry. Have you never had a boyfriend?" As I busied myself arranging the dining table, memories of past hurt lingered, shaping my response. "People called me the 'ugly duckling' at school. I know I'm not ugly; I just don't meet society's beauty standards. It stings when people make such remarks, but God's view of me matters most."

"In the eyes of the right man, you'll be worth more than silver or gold, treated like a precious gift from God," Gideon reassured me, his words painting a picture of hope and possibility. His sincerity prompted a question from me, "Is that how you treat your fiancée?"

With a mix of conviction and humility, Gideon shared, "I try to emulate that. We're imperfect, so I rely on God to help me love His daughter as He does and treat her with respect." His sincerity touched me, resonating with my own desire for a love that values and uplifts.

"I wish for someone like that," I admitted softly, a longing in my voice. Gideon's playful suggestion about his single brother lightened the mood, drawing a laugh from me. "Are you always this humorous?" I teased, appreciating the brief moment of levity.

Playfully, Gideon winked and quipped, "I'm serious, and maybe he fancies you." My insistence on maintaining professionalism led to a reminder from him, "Technically, I'm your boss, not him, so lines are blurred." The banter between us felt easy, comfortable.

As thoughts turned to potential matches, a smile crept onto my face. "I know someone who might suit him perfectly," I shared, envisioning a possible connection. Gideon's teasing question, "Is it you?" prompted a humble response from me, "Someone far better than me."

In the quiet lull that followed, Gideon's voice carried a note of understanding and empathy, "I have noticed how you are quick to disqualify yourself and praise others. I also suffered from low self-esteem, so I understand your struggle; just don't let it define you as a person. You talk about God, find your identity in Him, and allow Him to transform you, and you will be blown away." His words resonated, offering a glimmer of hope and encouragement in the midst of our shared vulnerabilities.

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