Arc 1 chapter 5 The Qunari problem

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It's been 3 years since the expedition, Adwen in his home that he purchased near hightown. With the profits from the expedition as Varric is good on his word. As for his superiors bringing up the fact Adwen owns a house, Varric would take care of it. Adwen is currently at a desk, writing to Alistair about everything that has happened so far.

Adwen- (writing)

"Dear Alistair, it has been 4 years since the end of the fifth blight. And my transfer to Kirkwall, and since then everything has been complicated since me and Lance have arrived. I met a dwarf named Varric and a fellow Ferelden named Hawk who I tagged along on a expedition they were on to the deep roads that. I managed earn some money to buy a house near hightown thanks to this expedition, however when we returned, Lance was summoned by knight commander Meredith. Then what happened was Lance was made a paige to knight commander Merdith, because apparently, she found out Lance was going to the blooming rose a lot and she was not happy about it. So, she made him her paige in order to make him "a better templar". Which lead me to safeguarding Lance's shares of the profits, but since then Lance has changed. He has lately been agreeing to knight commander Meredith's policy on the mages, and even mistreats every mage he sees, he has even suggested all the mages be turned tranquil to end what he called "the mage problem". And aside from the mage and Templar tensions, there's also the qunari problem, ever since they were shipwrecked here years ago, they still haven't left yet. The people are frustrated by this leading to zealots recruiting people who are frustrated to a point. Hawke though has bought a big mansion in hightown that belongs to their mother's family, and Varric is well Varric. Lastly Knight commander Meredith and first enchanter Orsino argue like they're in love, thought you'd find that funny. Your friend Adwen."

Adwen takes the letter and addresses and seals it, he leaves his house and heads to a mail carrier and gives it to him along with a few sovereigns as payment.

Adwen- To Denerim, Ferelden

The carrier takes the letter as Adwen leaves he then heads to the gallows to await any orders Cullen might give him, to which Cullen does.

Cullen- Ah! There you are I have an assignment for you.

Adwen- What is it sir!

Cullen- I need you to find a young mage, a man named Osric who has run away from the circle, along with a chantry sister named Lucy who is believed to have been kidnapped by him. Be warned one of their possible locations is at the cove, which is crawling with qunari. When you return Osric will be made tranquil for his actions.

Adwen- But sir, I remembered seeing this Osric on the list of those who passed their harrowing. Why should he be made tranquil?

Cullen- Did you question your superior knight corporal! He is to be bright back to the gallows and made tranquil for his actions and possibly kidnapping a chantry sister. Do you understand!

Adwen- (doubtingly) Yes sir!

Cullen- (stricter) Do you understand!

Adwen- Yes sir!

Cullen- Good! now dismissed!

Adwen then goes off to search for the mage and chantry sister but cannot help but doubt his superior's policy on the mages. He wonders if the templars are really protecting the mages or actually oppressing them, he starts to feel regret coming to Kirkwall. Adwen snaps out of his thoughts and heads to the chantry in hightown, to ask about the chantry sister who was possibly kidnapped. As he enters the chantry, he sees Hawke leaving the Chantry with some companions after speaking with Mother Petrice. Who notices Adwen.

Petrice- Hello sir knight! what can I do for you? And make it quick! I have business with my ex-bodyguard I have to attend to.

Adwen- I am here to ask about the missing chantry sister.

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