1/1/2024 12:06 AM - 1:33 AM

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Tw. Knife and threats of killing someone

They were just walking threw the forest, ciggerete in mouth.
'Why in the gods fucking name did he want to meet out here? And why at all?' They questioned, taking a long and deep drag off the ciggerete, feeling the smoke full his lungs before releasing out a exhale.

He finally made it to the place, which wasn't much, theirs a log with a mushroom growing on it, possibly death cap, wouldn't be suprising. Quite common in this area for death cap to grow here.

It was also a clearing in the trees, and a beem of sunlight was shining down at the area. He took the ciggerete out of his mouth and held it between his index and middle finger, gently tapping off the excess ash.

Pretty soon, he heard foot steps.
And they sounded like they were getting closer.

"Well hello there, Jaden" a familiar voice said, causing the man to look at where the sound was comming from.

"Hello" He said back to the familiar, "didn't expect an letter from you of all people asking to meet up, what's with the hidden spot?" He asked, motioning to around them, then smirked a bit.

"No, it's nothing like your thinking" the other clarified.

"Damn" He said with a little disappointment that quickly dissapeared. "So what is this supposed to be then?"

"I want you, I need you, to stay, the absolute, fuck, away from me. I don't want to see even a mention of you, anywhere. And I swear to the gods above I can and will-" the other seemed to stop themselves, during their rant they were slowly stepping closer to them until they were close to eachother. And they were obviously not happy.

"So. You tell me to meet up with you, using a letter, that you could've used to tell me that" he pointed out.

"Shut the fuck up" they almost yelled, and a bit of growl in their voice.

"Damn okay" he put his hands up in defeat, to show they were no harm. Plus, what what would he even do if he did wanna harm them, burn their fire resistance cloth that's covering almost every inch of clothing??

"I don't want to even hear a word mentioning you ever a-fucking-gain, you hear me?"

"Well that might be pretty hard to do considering I'm litterally a royals gaurd, so what, just gonna live put in the middle of nowhere and just-" he was gonna contiue but was cut off by the other putting a knife against his throat.

"Do you fucking understand?" The other asked.

"Ja" he said, in german (yes).

"Thank you, for fucks sake" the other removed the knife and took a step back. "And to answer your question. Yes. Yes I am. Because you seem to know where I fucking live so I'm leaving so you dont"

He raised an eyebrow, confused. He took another long drag of his ciggerete, when be exhaled be tried to blow the smoke away from them but some of it ended up hitting  them and they backed up in response.

The other just glared at him.

"Okay then. Could've said all that jn a letter but, okay then" he shrugged. He was still confused. He didn't know where they lived, like actually,  he hasn't really interacted with them in a while, he kinda misses it. But, he knew better and to respect their wish. "You won't see me ever again" he did a mini bow before promptly walking off.

He was several steps away when he eventually heard the other walking off. He kinda expected them to stop him to say something (wouldn't have been the first), but they didnt, which kinda suprised him. But then again, they seemed to have changed a lot during their time of interaction. And that left him wondering even more, if he wasn't the one bothering them constantly to the point where their willing to kill a person, which is not like them...

Who is?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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