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I'm pretty bored right now, but I hear there's a new intern. That's what they're calling it, just a new kid who's in S.H.E.I.L.D

can't go on missions there until he gets an ok from us that his training is complete. He's temporary, so I'm gonna not get attached or anything....that's the plan anyway

I don't know how peitro, wanda, Kate or Peter are going to, they seem to get attacted fast, yelena I'm not to worried about though, she's a trained assassin, she knows how to not get attached if she really tries, but knowing her, she'll still attached

I'm only talking about them because he's a teen, just like them. a whole team of grown-ups, 30 year Olds there, and the only teenagers

But I'm good at not going into emotions with people, so I'll live anyways I hear his powers are really good, and he's gets his job done. But fury said he's a troublemaker, like if peitro and....that Deadpool guy had a baby

I'm currently taking the bullets out of one of S.H.E.I.L.D's recruits gun so when he goes to training with me and he tries to use his gun since this would be the third time I've messed woth him he's gonna get chewed out by maria

People have just stopped telling me since I get the pleasure of being the boyfriend to Maria Hill, sooooo when people tell on me they go to her and I can lie my way out of it. Amd no thats not the only reason I'm with her. im mean. Not a monster, I do actually like her

Ok were at practice amd he supposed to be prepared and firing real bullets and he's firing blanks, infront of hill, he's so dead R:"miss hill I'm sorry I-" M.H:"dont" shit he can't even apologize maria looks piiiisssssssseeeeddddddd

I'm watching from the other end of the room, firing my very real bullets he's not and shit he's pointing at me alright I got this just gotta do what I do best M.H"hey Y/N come over here" there's my call from hill alright I got this Y/N:"hey hill miss me already?" I say, walking over her kissing temple, making her smile, of course.

M.H:"No agent Raymond says you did something with his bullets. " Y/N:"and what would my motive be?" R:"You knew it was my third strike you did this on purpose to get me in trouble, didn't you? "

Y/N:"again what's my motive of getting you I'm trouble I would love to know more about this fake senario that you're making up In your head" R:"oh yeah im the crazy one riiiggghhhttt

" Y/N:"I didn't say that you're putting words in my mouth. " R:"Oh yeah no no blame everything on me. I'm crrrraaaaaazzzzzyyyyy, and Y/N never does aaaannnnnyyyyyytttthhhiiiiinnnngggggg wrong. Ever. Right."

God, this dumbass is doing all the work for me while he's busy ranting. I'm standing next to Maria

Y/N:"Look, dude. I didnt take your bullets and if you would let me train in peace and not blame me for your mistakes and sloppiness" M.H:"ok Y/N you know what from the way your both talking i can tell whos lying....Raymond" R:"WHAT"

oh shit he's getting it he got yelled at and put on suspension for a month. Needless to say, he's pissed at me oh shit fury wants to see me hehe every time I read his name I think of a furrys anyways I gotta go or wait your a reader you can come with me *insert wink* anyways come on let's go

Y/N:"Director, you asked to see me?" F:"Yes, I've seen you playing your little pranks and things, and quite frankly, I don't know if your mission ready, your aware of the Avengers, correct?" Y/N:"Is that not where Agent romanoff went to? If I'm correct, she hasn't been back since she left, correct?" F:"That would be them...I'm putting you with them, no missions till I get the ok from them on your behavior and skills." Y/N:"When do I leave, sir?" F:"2 hours. Go pack" Y/N:"yes sir"

I left their and went and packed, i was told maria already knew I was leaving and was in a meeting, so I didn't get to say bye to her.....fun..
....anyways I'm leaving in like 5 minutes not even, I'm not nervous but it's gonna suck, what kinda bull crap is bad behavior, but it was a direct order or whatever it was from fury so I guess I have to

Ohhhh I wonder if romanoff will be there I haven't seen her since she joined the avengers, we never kept in touch so it'll be the first time in like I don't even know how long like 7 years when I was 9. I was a really good kid. Oh well, things change.

Nats POV:
Hold up. I just got word that the boy who's coming is Y/N. Why the hell did no one tell me I expected atleast maria to tell me like I knowni kinda broke all contact at all with my closest fri- no I get it now anyways he's coming soon he was such a nice kid and realy good. Wait, Fury told us he was a troublemaker, and that doesn't sound like him. Oh well, I'll see, I guess

Fury POV:
I'm currently flying Y/N to the Avengers compound. I know Natasha's going to be surprised as to what he has come to be, last time she was him he was an innocent wouldn't hurt a fly 9 year old and now hes taking hills weapons and getting other people in trouble for it. Who speaking of somehow at 16 got to be hill who is like 41 (google)

First chapter. A good opening and intro to the book 1002 words not bad. In the next chapter, the team and everyone will meet Y/N the low-key dumb when it doesn't come to getting himself out of trouble. He's going to remet natasha, and now the prankster peitro has competition alr see yall later

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