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The cold air brushed his skin as he walked down the dimly lit street. Naruto was tired . tired of being treated like shit. Holding the envelope with the results of his second gender he scurried up the stairs to his apartment.

Tightly locking the door he ran to his bed flopping down.holding the letter in front of his face he slowly ripped the top off to reveal the contents inside.

And there it was the five letters that determined his fate and changed his life forever.

O M E G A 

And then something dripped on the paper, wet, hot tears rushed out of his eyes. Bringing his hand up to his eyes he wiped the tears off of his cheeks.

Feeling The scars on his face he knew this was just one more thing that would set him apart from being normal.  And with that sleep captured him in their hands slowly putting him under their spell.

Waking up the  next morning was hard, sitting up in his bed he rubbed his eyes , crusty from crying last night.

Getting up he went to the small bathroom that housed his clothes on one side of the wall and on the other was the small shower that was always cold and a latrine that barely flushed.

Turning on the shower he laid his yellow jumper out on the small bed. Pulling back the shower curtain he jumped in teeth chattering from the cold.

Lathering his hair with the small bar of soap he owned he then washed out his hair after finishing his shower he wrapped the only without holes around his body and went out to change into his jumpsuit.

Fully dressed he opened the door to his apartment making sure to lock out he then ran to the academy. Opening the door to his classroom he walked in and all eyes were on him. God it felt like they could see his soul.  He was scared.

Walking through the door frame was hell for naruto, every one was looking at him with eyes that just followed him. And then came the scents. The pungent smells of the female omegas hurt his nose. But the alphas god they smelled divine!

Looking up at iruka sensei, the oldest alpha in the room, and gave him the excuse note from being gone the day before.

I'll add more later tonight but I have to hide this from my parents is um Yhea love you my little chickadees <3

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