The Great Survivor of the Butterlfy Curse

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In a land far far away, there was a lonely lady sitting in a field of flowers. Surrounding her were swarms of pink, teal, and purple butterflies. The lady thought this to be odd but decided to go about her day as if nothing was amiss. That night when the lady was getting ready for bed she suddenly fell ill. Turns out that the butterflies were a representation of the curse set upon her by an evil witch who lives in the woods. To find a remedy the lady travels to the neighboring town in search of a mage who claims to be able to cure all curses. However, on her journey, she encounters a handsome prince. So the lady being lonely as she is takes "the prince's" offer of a date thinking she has enough time before the curse spreads to the rest of her body. After their date, the prince offers to walk with the lady to her destination. Halfway to the next town, the prince suddenly collapses and turns into a troll. The lady is astonished and runs away before the troll can stop her. However, the troll accomplished his mission and the curse has spread to the lady's lungs. Now she can't breathe but she crawls her way slowly to the mage's hut. There the mage gives her the unfortunate news that he has no absolute cure. She accepts whatever remedy he can offer. This remedy cures the source of the curse but can not cure the spreading to the lungs. Now the lady must come to terms with the fact that she is a survivor and remember to never stop fighting.

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