Life began again way after School.

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It seems like it was only yesterday when Nikki and Jonsey used to visit the mall every day  after School just to gather around the table and chill at The Big Squeeze just so they could spend time with their friends. 
When Nikki's family moved out of state, that's when everything changed and almost everyone went their separate ways. 
Thank God for unlimited phone plans and Wi-Fi!
Nikki and Jonsey maintained a long-distance relationship via Facebook messenger and lots and lots of calling Five years worth to say the least.
Nikki decided to drop by the Galleria Mall without announcement just to surprise her friends and her beloved goofball of a boyfriend. 
She let out a sigh as she walked up to the table where they sat at every day and to her surprise you can still see where Jonsey and Jude etched their names into the table using plastic forks.
Nikki snapped a picture of that for nostalgia and sent it to the guys, causing them to wonder where she was. 

Group Text:

"Dude!!! I forgot we did that" - Jude

"LMAO i remember how pissed the rent a Cop got!" - Jonsey

Nikki Gazed up at the new worker wearing that hideous old lemon hat and chuckled out loud reminiscing how her friend Caitlyn put up with wearing that every single day.
It felt weird to Nikki to see someone other than her friend under the lemon...
"I wonder what happened to Caitlyn?" Nikki thought.

Her eyes wandered over to the sports Store none other than the Penalty Box of course.
Nikki dashed right in hoping that she would see her best friend Jennifer Masterson,
She even pre fantasized the whole thing that she would run in and see her BFF wearing the referee uniform and they would scream and cry and spin each other around.

Unable to recognize a single employee.
"Excuse me is Jen Masterson working here?"
Nikki asked the guy at the front desk.
"Woah! I haven't heard that name in like forever dude!"
He responded,
Nikki's mind started to race thinking of Jen and where she could be.
"Sorry Brah! Jen Masterson put in her two weeks like Three Years ago." He added,
Pointing to the "MVP awards" where Jen's photo was still framed for winning Employee of the Month that One Year. 
Nikki could feel her eyes start to tear up as she looked up at the photo of Jen smiling...
She ran out of the Store before anyone saw.

"How come you didn't tell me Jen quit the Penalty box???!!!"
Nikki shot a concerned text to Jonsey.

"I thought you guys still talked!!" Jonsey replied.

The last time Nikki recalls hearing from Jen was when she called and announced her Mom's divorce from Jonsey's Dad.
After that both Nikki and Jen got caught up with College and never really kept in touch.
Sitting on the bench by the fountain Nikki decided to cry with regret of losing touch with one of her greatest friends. 

Jonsey's POV

It feels like forever since the Jones-Miester has been on a physical date, 
considering he and Nikki's long distance extravaganza.
The Jones-Misester was not used to being dedicated to just one female for so long, 
but it was not long after Nikki Moved that he began to realize that she is worth far more than any other girl he's ever been with.
Jonsey was listening to that same old Spanish dance vinyl in his room while holding a framed photo of him and Nikki when they were both Sixteen at the dance.
"I would give anything to touch you again." Jonsey whispered out loud and kissed the picture.
He was so Rudley barged in on by his best guy pal Jude who caught eye and ear of the whole thing. 

"WOAH DUDE! Was this bad timing?! I can always come back later?!" 
Jude said, unaware of what he might have walked in on.

"Dude, I miss Nikki so fucking bad it hurts!" Jonsey confided to Jude.

"Didn't you say you guys sleep together and wake up together on video chat and everything?"

"Yeah but it doesn't compare to the real thing! She's still behind a screen!"

"Heavy stuff dude... so what are you gonna do?!" Jude asked.

"I Don't know, I know that Nikki and might I quote Caitlyn here and say 'Nikki is the One' 
but I'm not sure how much more kiss less, touchless moments I can take." 

"Have you ever thought about going up there to see the Brah?" Jude suggested.

"You know? Thats a great idea dude! I'm gonna see how much the flights are!"
Jonsey gave Jude props in the form of knucks. 

"Hey did you hear Wyatt's new song? it's a total jam!" Jude said as he headbanged with earphones on.

"No? but wasn't he and his band supposed to stop here as part of the tour?"

"Yeah... this Friday! it's gonna be wicked awesome!" 

"Okay so there's a flight leaving tomorrow morning...
I Could surprise Nikki she won't know what to say when she sees me!
Dude, can I borrow some coin and I promise i'll pay you back the night of Wyatt's show?"
Jonsey asked Jude with his usual puppy dog eyes.

"Oh trust me, I'll know what to say! how's about a snide remark I can see your still soliciting your pals for money... now get over here and kiss me you big goof!" 
Nikki said with a huge grin on her face and arms wide open. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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