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Have you ever been in love?

Have you ever paid so much attention to someone to the point that you could notice every difference and every little detail in them?

Have you questioned yourself because you care for someone so deeply to the point that it confuses you if you just see that person as a friend with whom you share memories, adventures, and emotions?

Then, one day, you realize you're facing a very difficult situation of identifying the boundary that lies between friendship and romance.

It seems like, before, you could clearly distinguish the difference between them, but now you're suddenly so confused, and you are continuously denying to yourself that nothing has changed until, not knowingly... everything has changed.

They say falling in love with a friend isn't so bad because that is where it all started.

First, you meet each other.

Second, you'll create a bond with each other.

Third, both of you will share laughter and support.

Fourth, one of you might realize that you started to feel something different from the other.

Fifth, you'll start stealing glances.

Six, you'll pay more attention.

Seven, you'll confess.

And then there are two possible outcomes.

The first one is that they will reciprocate your feelings, and the second one is that they don't, which honestly sucks but... I'm pretty sure you'll still live.

But you know what is worse than that?

I say, falling in love with your childhood friend.

Do you know why?

It's because falling in love with your childhood friend is like discovering a secret treasure buried within the depths and darkest corner of your heart.

It's as if someone who has already been there magically appeared to be the one you are actually longing for—the one who holds the key to your heart.

You hadn't paid that much attention to that person before, but suddenly, you start to see them in a new light—you start noticing the subtle changes in their laugh, their smile becoming more radiant, and their presence becoming more intoxicating.

The transition from being childhood friends to lovers is both beautiful and scary. It is beautiful in the sense that you discover a love that surpasses your wildest dreams.

It is a beautiful experience to love someone who already knows you better than anyone. The familiarity, trust, and comfort that come with this built connection make it more enchanting.

Then, the scariest part comes after that.

Will confessing your love risk the cherished friendship you've built over the years?

Will it all go to waste?

Will hoping to preserve what you both have is a lot better than exploring the possibilities of something more?

As a child, I already knew a lot of things. I witnessed how my parents raised me and my sister to be the people we are today—a person full of positivity, hope, and love.

Let's go back to the question again.

Have you ever been in love?

Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach?

Have you ever wanted someone to always be with you?

Have you tried everything just to be noticed when they are around?

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