Chapter 1

465 42 34

December 6, 2015

I mentioned earlier that I was a friendly and talkative kid, right?

Well, jokes on me because I only have two friends.

Yes, you read it right—just two.

To be honest, I'm not really bothered that I only have two friends because, in my mind, I thought, maybe the other kids just get along with each other.

They're just like me, Adie and Cal. The three of us get along with each other, and that's enough for us.

Although, at some point, I can't help but assume that maybe the reason why they don't want to hang out with us is because they don't want me. I think they couldn't handle my energy or my talkativeness.

So, for that reason, I am super grateful to these two who stayed by my side the whole time, who always played with me, and who always came along with me to bathe in the sea whenever I wanted.

"Eli, can you swim like a frog?" Adie asked me while we were swimming in the sea.

My forehead creased out of confusion, and then I answered, "No, do you?"

"What? You don't know? It's so easy to do, Eli. I'll show you," he arrogantly said, and he began to demonstrate how to do it.

I find it funny, so I imitated him quickly, not knowing the stupidity that comes along with it.

"Wow! You're really good at that, Eli. It suits you to be a frog," he said, and he burst out laughing.

I frowned at him for making a fool out of me again.

Adie always finds a way to make everything look so funny, even if it isn't. I think he is really good at doing stupid things. In fact, that is the only thing he is good at.

"Eli, when will you learn? Why are you so gullible and easy to fool? Look, you got swayed by that fool again," Cal said, shaking his head.

By the way, these two are the ones I was talking about earlier. They were the ones who stayed by my side when others left because I was talking nonstop once my mouth started to open.

The one who made me imitate a frog is Warren Adie Evangelista, or "Adie," and that serious one is Callum Ezra Angeles, or "Cal" for short.

I don't know what chemistry we have, but somehow, we clicked. Although sometimes I think it's because our mothers were friends too when they were young, so we kind of inherit and continue their friendship.

I remember my mother mentioned that they were originally a group of four. The three of them stayed here in Laguna while the other one went to Manila to continue her studies, and she eventually raised a family there.

Up until now, they still have communication with each other because I often hear my mother talking to someone on her phone.

Going back, the three of us eventually got tired from playing, so we decided to go home for now to rinse and have some rest.

Cal got home faster because their house was the closest to the sea.

Meanwhile, Adie and I continued to walk when a car suddenly honked behind us, causing me to get surprised and slip in the mud.

Fortunately, Adie held my hand before my whole body fell into the mud entirely, but I still fell to my knees.

"Ouch! I think my knee is hurting!" I exclaimed because my fall hurt a bit.

I then closed my eyes because the pain started to linger on the inside.

"Eli, are you okay? I'll help you stand up," Adie said as he put his hands in between my arms to help me.

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