Chapter 2

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December 7, 2015

"Eli, wake up now. We don't want to be late in the market. All the good-quality supplies will be gone now," my mother said.

"AAAAAH!" I yawned while stretching my arms and feet.

"Come down now, okay? Your breakfast is ready," she added before she left my room.

I open my eyes, and I immediately put a smile on my face because today we'll be buying Russelle a gift for his birthday. The exciting thing is that my mother also assigned me to pick a gift for him.

After cleaning and organizing my bed, I head downstairs to properly greet my mother.

"Good morning," I greeted her with a smile on my face.

"Hmm, it looks like someone had a good sleep last night," she said, and I even put on a bigger smile while grabbing a chair to sit in.

"Yeah, I really had a good one last night. How about you, Ma?" I ask while I am taking some bread.

"I had a good one too, son," she answered while brushing her hair in front of a mirror.

"Mama, I spent hours last night thinking of what Russelle would like as a gift. What do you think I should give him? A toy, a book, or should we just give him money?" I ask because until now I couldn't decide.

"To be honest, I also don't know what he likes, but I think he will love whatever it is that you give him," she said, and I winced because I remembered how he treated me.

How can he like it if he doesn't even talk to me?

After eating breakfast, Mama and I left the house and took a ride to the market. We went first to buy some necessities for the house as well as the ingredients she needed for our lunch later, which she bought from her usual shopkeeper.

Then, while they were busy talking about something, I suddenly saw a colorful and newly established store nearby. It has beautiful signage in front. I figured that it was an accessories store because of its design. I was so fascinated by it, so I thought of going in there.

"Mama, I'll just take a look at that shop," I said while pointing towards the shop.

"Okay, don't go anywhere after that," she said, continuing to talk to her shopkeeper friend.

When I got inside, I was even more amazed because of all the things I saw there.

"Oh, wow," I mumbled.

They sell a lot of beautiful necklaces, bracelets, rings, and many more, but there is one that really piqued my interest, and I can't take my eyes off it.

"This is so beautiful," I said, looking at a beautiful piece of bracelet.

"Miss, how much is this?" I asked the shopkeeper, trying to keep my excitement within.

"Hi, which one?" she asked, and I pointed her the bracelet I wanted.

"Oh, that one?" she ask, creasing her forehead, and then she continued, "Why do you like it?"

"I think it's beautiful," I answered.

"It really is, and so is its meaning," she said, smiling a little.

"It has a meaning?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah, you see, this bracelet is called a lover's knot. When you gave it to someone special to you, it will bind your souls forever," she said, smiling.

Wow! Is that true? Can it really bind souls forever?

"Oh, then it really is beautiful," I said, grinning.

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