Chapter 5

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December 24, 2015

They say that when you're happy or occupied with what you're doing, you tend not to notice the time passing by. Then, when you notice it, you'll wish for it to run slowly or if you can just stay at that moment.

On the other hand, whenever you feel down or bored, you notice how time runs so slowly, so you wish for it to run faster.

I realized that was true because that's what I've been feeling these days.

I am so happy that I didn't notice that it's Christmas tomorrow. I mean, how could I not notice it? It's the day we've all been waiting for the most because, aside from the delicious food that we'll be eating, there are also a lot of gifts we will receive.

I guess the reason I didn't notice it is because I've been hanging out with my friends all day.

Don't get me wrong, though. I am extra happy because it's our first time to be with Russelle on Christmas day here in Laguna.

His family decided to celebrate their holidays here, but I can't ignore the fact that everything happened so fast.

After next week, we won't be able to see him again for the time being. I think I should give him something to remember me, since the bracelet I gave him was lost. Speaking of giving, I haven't prepared my gifts that I will give to my friends.

"Hmm, what would be the perfect gift for them?" I said, talking to myself.

"Oh, maybe I should give them accessories because I still have a lot of the materials left," I said.

"It would be a waste if I didn't make use of it," I added.

"The ball!" Adie shouted, and I snapped back to reality.

I saw the ball going in my direction, so I immediately stepped aside so I wouldn't be hit.

"Wooh!" Adie exclaimed, sighing with relief.

"What are you doing? Are you daydreaming?" Cal asks.

We are here today at Russelle's house, playing basketball on their court.

I tend to daydream a lot. I can't help it because I'm an overthinker. I tend to think a lot about things, even the smallest ones.

"I am sorry," I said to them.

"Focus! You might get hit," he said, and I nodded my head.

We continue to play the game, and I have given it my full attention now because it seems like they are all serious about playing.

"Eli, pass it to me," Adie shouted, and I passed the ball to him.

He dribbled it and looked for an opening, but Russelle was guarding him eagerly.

I also tried to look for an opening, but Cal won't let me.

I watched how Adie ran fast to get behind Russelle and was able to outdo him and shoot the ball.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, running to me and giving me a high five.

We are playing 2 against 2.

Adie and Eli.

Cal and Zeke.

Right now, we are ahead by 8 points, and we all know it's not because of me.

Adie is really good at playing basketball. When it comes to extracurriculars and sports, you can count on him. He is the most physically energetic among us, while Cal is the smartest.

Are you asking about me? I don't know.

I guess I am mediocre at everything. I am always in the middle of something. Not the best and not the weakest.

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