#3: Revival Plan

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Key: ^ =  something writtin in a book

example: ^this is just an example lol^


It had been a week since the trio got their updrages, still getting used to them. Moon had gotten extremely sick, so Eclipse had time to study more about Sun, and finally..After weeks of studying and experiments, He found a way to bring Sundrop back

"I DID IT!!!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, and his voice echo'd through the large lab.

Eclipse's plan was complicated, but he knew he could simply it, he began writing down his research.

^There must be a chip installed behind Sun's faceplate, which made his programming bug or had added a virus..or possibly a new code, If its any of those, the chip can explode within a minute of removal. Which means the chip must be installed in another animatronic with the same programming, and that animatronic must be dismantled.^

"How'd that take you 4 weeks to find? Looks easy" A voice spoke from behind, startling Eclipse, It was Lunar

"Well I needed to find out the programming and its coding, its not that simple!" He explained

"whatever, so now we can save Sunny right?" Lunar asked, getting on top of Eclipse's desk.

"Like I said, its not that easy" Eclipse said

"Well?! What do we need to do?" Lunar asked

"We rather need one of us to take the chip and dismantle ourselfs, or build a decoy animatronic that we can destroy, not to mention even finding Sun and climbing on the back of his head to get a tiny chip out.." 

"Well that doesn't sound easy...Can't you find a simpler solution?" Lunar asked

"There's nothing simpler than this." Eclipse sighed, leaning back on the chair he was sitting on

"So we're gonna build a decoy animatronic?" Lunar asked

"You ask to many questions, and what about the sacrifice option?" Eclipse responeded with another question

"Well...We can't let Moon do it, obvi, If we choose Blood than Ves won't allow it and if we choose Ves than Blood won't!"

"What abou-"

"Solar dying would cause Moon to die since their technically they have the same role in different universes, Destroying you is 100% no, Sun won't be happy and the remaning star power will explode like a nuke in you. We can't destory me or Earth since we're built with diferent programming."

"How do you know all that!?" Eclipse asked in surprise

"I just do" Lunar smiled "And how are you so sure its a chip?" Lunar asked

"Okay, keep this between you and me okay!?" Eclipse started


"I might or might have not....Witnessed the creator installing a chip in Sun's head."

Lunar's jaw dropped. "And you didn't tell anyone!?" Lunar yelled

"He threatned to kill all of us if I did!" Eclipse yelled back

"Fair." Lunar said in defeat.

"How are we gonna build a decoy body?" Lunar asked

"Well its not technically decoy, and I have a spare code to add in to.." Eclipse said

"ooh, who is it?!"  Lunar asked again

"Their name is Galaxy, they were supposed to be your twin" Eclipse responded

"OooOoh!" Lunar asked

"Pheraphs using S.T.A.F.F bots arms and my spare cannons and motor wheels will build half of it..." Eclipse suggested

"That leaves legs,torso and head!" Lunar added in

"How about..wait, it doesn't even need a proper body! its gonna get destroyed anyway!"

"whose even gonna do the destroying and getting the chip" Lunar asked, already knowing the answer

"Moon and Blood!" Both said at the same time and laughed

"Still the head is necessary if we want to add its programming in"

"Good call..." Lunar replied

They both thought of it and Eclipse came up with an idea

"Remember your old body? The one which was tall, I might still have it in the store."

"You keep dead robots in your store?"  Lunar asked laughing

"In a way yeah, I call them.. lifeless, not dead." Eclipse replied

"same thing, anyways lets go get it!"

They got the body, brought it outside and fixed it's programming to suit the current one.

"You okay Lunar..?" Eclipse asked

"yeah...just wired looking at an old version of me..that used to be me.." Lunar responded, staring at the lifeless body.

Timeskip to when they got back to their base

"Where have you 2 been?" Monty asked


"Nowhere!" Eclipse said, interrupting Lunar

 "What?" Monty asked, raising a non exsistant eyebrow, before shrugging and going off to nobody knows where.

Eclipse picked Lunar up and whisperd in his ears "we can't let anyone kow yet." 

Lunar nodded and went off to playing with Ves.

"Bonjour Solar" Eclipse greeted Solar, who was at one the sofa's in the living room beside the entrance

"Hi." Solar replied with no emotion

"awe, I wanted to tell you a way to get back Sun, but you're ARROGANT hi changed my mind" Eclipse said in a dramatic, sarcastic way.

"What!? TELL ME" Solar yelled

"Nope, First you have to improve your greeting!" Eclipse replied in the same tone

"Fine..Hello my totally best friend Eclipse" Solar said saracstically.

"thats better, anwyay!" 

Eclipse went over and told Solar the plan, now they just needed to make sure a few more things before setteling into action

[DISCONTINUED] Corruption Falls: Book #2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora