59. | Love

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Rhys returns with the tea I asked for and I take it

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Rhys returns with the tea I asked for and I take it. "Thank you." I peck his lips.

"Eugh. You guys are sickly cute together."

"Says the woman falling love with a rockstar who you said you hated."

She springs up from my bed. "I am not."

"What's his favorite color?"


"When's his birthday?"

"January second, nineteen ninety-nine."

"How old is he?"


"Favorite snack?"

"Sour Patch Kids, but the blue ones are his favorite."

"Favorite movie?"

"Any marvel movie."

"Favorite music genre?"


"You're in love."

"That doesn't make me in love! I've just known him since we were teens." She shrugs. I glance back at Rhys, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm staying out of this one." He holds his hands up, and I roll my eyes. "I'm gonna head back to work." He walks to me.

"'Kay." I lean up and kiss his lips.

"Bye. I love you."

I smile. "Bye. I love you."

"Eugh." Lindsey rolls her eyes, turning to look out the window. I shake my head at her and set the tea down on my desk, pouring us a cup. "How did you know you liked Rhys?" She asks, taking her cup.

"I had all the symptoms of a crush, but much more intensely." I shrug. "My skin would light up whenever he even slightly grazed me. He was always on my mind."

She sighs dreamily. "I want what you and Rhys have."

"Sometimes, what you see on the surface isn't reality." I tell her. "Relationships have ups and downs. And if he wasn't so persistent, we wouldn't even be together."

"But you are. Sometimes, I think that I just won't get that in this lifetime."

I lay a hand on her shoulder, smiling slightly at her. "I'm sure you will. It'll find you."

"I hope." She tosses her head back, drinking the rest of her tea. "I guess I should head back to the office."

I smile at her as she stands. "Good luck."

She walks to the door but suddenly whips around. "Before I forget, what are you doing for Christmas Eve?"


"I'll take that as nothing." She nods. "We're going to throw a little party."

I raise my eyebrow. I figured I would spend Christmas Eve alone and then spend Christmas with Rhys. Guess that plan's out the window.

"I'll message you about the details later." She grins at me. "It's going to be awesome!" She squeals. Her gaze falls to something on the floor, and she tilts her head. "What's this?"

I look over. "Oh. It's my design for the fundraiser."

"Do you have a backup plan?"

"I have a backup plan to the backup plan." I remark, and she smiles at me.

"Good." Then she saunters to the door. She turns to me, one hand on the doorframe. "Keep your phone on. I'll be needing your help."

I roll my eyes. "Goodbye, Lindsey."

"Bye!" Then she leaves. And I'm all alone again. 

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