Wedding Day

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Long blonde ringlets. Meadow green eyes.
A long white dress. Lips that say no lies.

Lucky I am. Lucky I may be.
Thank goodness that lucky man is me.

My dear Lilly holds the flower that share her name.
Since I met her, my life has never been the same.

She takes her final steps until she stands before me.
I truly am as happy as a man can be.

When the rings are exchanged and before we say 'I do', she whispers something softly. "I love you."

I repeat it back to my wife to be. My heart is a lock and she has the key. I write her this letter and let fate do the rest. My future wife is truly the best.

Finally we exchange vows.
We are finally husband and wife now! But there's one thing amiss.
What could it be?
True loves kiss....

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