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Strange Encounter

The day unfolded unusually for Meilin as her stroll home took an unexpected turn. A frail elderly lady struggled to cross the road, and Meilin, guided by compassion, stepped forward.

Meilin "Excuse me, ma'am. Can I help you cross the road?"

Old Lady "Oh, dear, that would be wonderful. Thank you."

After safely navigating the bustling street, the old lady, filled with gratitude, made an unexpected offer.

Old Lady "You're a kind soul. As a thank-you, let me read your palm and reveal the mysteries of your destiny."

Intrigued, Meilin, usually a skeptic, found herself nodding in agreement.

Old Lady "Let me see what fate has in store for you."

However, what began as a simple palm reading unfolded into an enigma. The atmosphere shifted as the old lady's countenance darkened, casting an unexpected shadow over the encounter.

Meilin "Is something wrong? Did you see something troubling?"

Old Lady "Oh, no, dear. Maybe I misread it. Let me try again."

Despite the reassurance, the old lady's second attempt bore the same ominous frown, leaving Meilin perplexed.

Meilin "What's happening? What did you see?"

Old Lady "You must overcome your past for you to finally move on."

Left with more questions than answers, Meilin stared at her palm, attempting to decipher the cryptic message, only to witness the old lady vanish into thin air.

Meilin "Where did she go? What does this mean?"

While walking home, Meilin, still lost in thought, gazed at her palm, contemplating the old lady's words. She decided to explore her house, hoping to find clues that might illuminate the mysterious message.

The evening at home brought an air of restlessness as Meilin, troubled by the day's events, sought answers within her family.

First, she approached her grandmother, a repository of wisdom.

Meilin "Grandma, the strangest thing happened today. An old lady told me I must overcome my past to move on. But I don't know what past she's talking about."

Grandma "Life's mysteries often unravel over time, my dear. Embrace the journey, and the answers will come."

Secondly, she asked her grandfather, a man of few words but profound insights.

Meilin "Grandpa, what do you make of this message? Overcoming my past?"

Grandpa "Sometimes, the past is like a shadow. Face it, and it can't control you."

Yet, Meilin's search for answers continued...

Back home, her mind in turmoil, she reflects on the day's events.

Meilin "Overcome my past? What past? How can I move on if I don't know what to overcome?"

Feeling troubled, she sought solace from her mother, hoping for a shred of insight.

Meilin "Mom, have I ever encountered something significant in my past? Something I need to overcome?"

Mom "Sweetheart, life is a journey. We face challenges, and each one shapes us. But don't dwell on the past too much. Focus on your present and future."

Undeterred, Meilin approached each family member separately, seeking clues to her mysterious past, only to be met with anecdotes and comforting advice. Left with no answers, she delved into family albums, exploring her childhood memories in a desperate quest for understanding.

Her inner turmoil echoed through the house as she roamed, searching for elusive answers.

Meilin "There's nothing interesting in my life. What must I overcome, and how will I overcome it if I don't know what it is?"

As the night deepened, left with unanswered questions, Meilin uttered her frustrations into the silence.

Meilin "Someone or something, answer me."

In the quiet of her room, she decided to sleep off the confusion.

As she drifted into slumber, a strange butterfly fluttered past her window, leaving behind a sense of mystery.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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