Under Your Skin

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I checked my bag carefully to see if I had packed all my gear for the afternoon's foraging. Paper bags to stash small finds, my dad's old reflex camera that still worked with film since I was a fan of the nostalgia, a flashlight in case it got dark before I got out of the forest. And last but not least, my pen and journal, because inspiration came easily to me on my solitary, mindful walks. I always looked forward to these sanctuaries that recharged my soul and satisfied my need to withdraw from the manic pace around me for a while. Ever since I was little, I felt drawn to magic and a bit out of this world. I had never quite fit in and had been labelled whimsical one too many times to care about anymore. Instead, I had learned to embrace this part of my nature and live by its rules.

Soon I had lost track of time, and the wintery cut-out scenery of trees and bushes began to turn the maroon color of a winter sunset. I realized that I had wandered too far into the forest to get out before nightfall and quietly sighed at my carefreeness. But I was not afraid, for this quiet place could not possibly harbor the dangers that lurked in the streets, which were becoming increasingly crowded with raving people. I was deep in my own thoughts and completely absorbed by a vivid fantasy scenario when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a moving figure suddenly emerge from the underbrush.

„Miss, I'm sorry, please don't be afraid, but you shouldn't be here."

A warm but hushed voice spoke from under a hood that was pulled down, covering the upper two thirds of his face. His hands gesturing in an apologetic pose, exposing his palms but quickly vanishing out of sight and into his pockets.

„Well, I'm pleased to meet you too." I deflected the rise in my heartbeat with a joking remark and semi-consciously straightened my spine, as if that would somehow help me appear more confident.

The sight of his lanky figure immediately reminded me of one of those skater boys I used to see in the park on my way to work, and I relaxed instinctively. There was clearly nothing sinister about his posture, but I could tell he was hyper vigilant and trying to hide his features from me. Nervously moving from side to side and looking in the direction behind me. I pointed my flashlight at his face, which he quickly turned away, but I couldn't help but notice the inhuman reflection of the beam of light in one of his irises. I heard myself swallow.

„Miss, you really have to leave quickly now. I can hear their ... never mind, you gotta get going."

"To be fair, I was on my way out until you stopped me." I chuckled at my own bravado until a frightening noise from a distance froze me on the spot. A sudden tremor exploded in my chest and burst into a million prickling stings along my tensing spine. The cool grip of mortal fright holding my heart hostage in my ribcage. The sound was unlike anything I'd ever heard before. Animal-like, but not quite. Grotesque and offensive to my senses. My survival instincts were calling me to run and I felt the adrenaline rush infusing my muscles with the strength to sprint away from the invisible danger.

"Shit, they're too close. You're going to have to trust me here. I'll explain it to you later!"

Following another hunch, I nodded to him and then felt his warm hand around mine that was ice-cold.

„You'll have to stay very close to me and remain quiet, can you do that for me?"

My heart was pounding thunderously in my chest and I could hear the fierce pulsations behind my eardrums, but his voice came through to me. I nodded again and he took off his hoodie and put it around my shoulders and head. My clouded gaze took in the details of his features in what little light was left of the dying day. Dimples. Of all things extraordinary about his sight, I noticed the most human. It was cheesy. It was utterly me.


Since that evening, almost a year ago, Munk and I had grown close. Like kindred spirits reuniting on yet another path in a coinciding life-span. Over time, I had found out about his hurtful past and the tragic night that changed his life in unfathomable ways. I had learned to read his emotional camouflage patterns and witnessed the fiery, unpredictable phases around the full moon. At some point he had even allowed me closer to him during this time of the month.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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