Chapter 32-The First Few Hours

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Lilly Grace Shepherd. Born June 5th. 3:47 PM. 6 lbs, 7 ozs 18 in. Mother: Meredith. Father: Derek, read the information on the small pink card tucked into the plastic holder inside Lilly's bassinet where she slept.

After her feeding, the baby fell asleep in Meredith's arms, and Meredith begins to come down from the energy of the day, and her eyelids slipping shut, too.

Derek took the baby from his wife and cradled her, eventually putting her into the bassinet at the bedside. Sleep when the baby sleeps, advice passed down from his mother, and every baby book ever written. After making sure Lilly was comfortably sleeping, Derek got back into the bed next to Meredith and slept.

Two hours passed in silence until Lilly begins wriggling around in her blanket. She let's out a small cry and both Meredith and Derek's eyes flashed open, already overtaken by parenthood.

Meredith swung her legs over the side of the bed without thinking and grimaced at the sudden movement.

"Ouch." She winced.

"Mer, I can get her." Derek said as he sat up.

"No, no. I got her." Meredith replied, walking around to the other side of the bed to the bassinet. "I'm supposed to be up walking a few hours after birth anyway. I'm fine."

She scooped Lilly up from the bassinet and bounced her in her arms.

"Hi." Meredith whispered. "Did you sleep well, Lillybug?"

Derek smiled. "Lillybug?"

"She needs a nickname." Meredith said, fixing the waistline of her sweatpants. "I think it fits her."

"I love it." Derek chuckled, moving over the other side of the bed so Meredith didn't have to walk back around.

Meredith sat back down on the bed and brushed her finger over the baby's soft cheek. "I think she got even cuter while she slept."

She giggled.

"She really did." He grinned, watching as Meredith took Lilly's pink cap off. "What are you doing?"

"Looking at her hair." Meredith said, gently smoothing her fingers over Lilly's head of soft dark hair. "Just like yours."

Derek looked down at his little girl and shook his head in awe.

"I could literally stare at her all day." He said.

"Little pieces of both of us... which makes sense genetically, I guess." She teased. "But still. Without us, she wouldn't be here."

"Hmm, we made a beautiful little human being." Derek's said.

He let Lilly grab onto his finger.

"You were a full week late, Lillybug." Derek grinned at Meredith. "Yeah, that nickname's gonna stick."

"Good, right?"

Derek laughed. "Very good choice."

Meredith's phone blinked as she got a text, and he reached for it on the nightstand.

"Izzie." Derek said.

"What'd she say?"

"Up for visitors tonight?" Derek read from her phone. He turned to Meredith. "Up to you."

"Yeah, they can come. At least for a little while." Meredith agreed. "They've been waiting patiently all day. I want to nurse her again, then they can stop by. Ask if they don't mind waiting like forty-five minutes."

Derek typed back the message into the phone, and got a reply seconds later.

"She said okay, with an exclamation points and a smiley face." He laughed.

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