" Draw "

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Tari quickly grabbed the fallen gun and dove into the cold waters, she wasn't used to the feeling of the cold, her systems went into a temporary shock before she continued to swim to 3, she couldn't help but notice the amount of rotting skeletons and broken metal were on the water, her vision was crystal clear in the waters, seeing a faded trail of red as she swam closer to 3, all she had to do was-

A sudden sharp metal sliced her, near her eye, she winced, blue blood blurring her vision as she swam closer to 3, seeing he had a couple of scratches from the sharp metal around them, she began to tug on the rope, feeling it rip in her hands, she scanned 3's vitals as she pulled him up to the surface, 4 was holding onto 3's cold body as he began to try and wake him up.
Before Tari could even speak, she saw Meggy dash into the wooden building to go after Wren. CALL FOR BACK UP AND GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!" Tari yelled as she quickly followed Meggy.

Meggy looked around as she came to a stop, her heart was pounding against her chest and her mind was screaming at her to run from this situation, her body was trembling in fear as she forced herself to Keep Going. "Meggy!" Meggy quickly turned around and pointed her gun at the source of the voice. Tari raised her hands up and slowly walked to Meggy. "Hey.. it's just me... Just Tari..." she softly spoke, Meggy breathed heavily as she lowered the gun, "Let's go find Wren together... okay..?" Tari smiled a bit, trying to comfort Meggy. Meggy nodded as she took a deep breath, trying to relax as she stayed by Tari's side. They soon heard something spilled, Tari walked over, "Wait-! Tari Stay there..!"

Don't Move

Tari stopped, the command taking hold of her. She looked at Meggy, but before Meggy could speak, Tari got yanked back, feeling a gun pressed against her head. "Is that what it's named...? T a r i ?" Meggy felt her heart skipped a beat, immediately aiming her gun at Wren. "Careful Meggy.... I'm not afraid to put a bullet in her fuckin head..." Wren smirked, Meggy looked around, looking for anything to save Tari. "Oh...? You care for this Android...?" Wren laughed as he put his finger on the trigger, Meggy soon spotted a couple of gas tanks that was behind Wren, she gulped, knowing what she had to do. Soon, taking the shot.

A loud explosion sounded from the building, Mario was helping 3 get into the ambulance, more cops were one the property, Mario quickly turned around and saw the building getting engulfed in flames. "M-MEGGY-! MEGGY AND TARI IS ON THERE!" 4 yelled, those words made Mario flinch, he looking at the building and soon running inside.

Meggy coughed as she got up from the ground, looking around for Tari and Wren. The smoke was already filling Meggy's lungs as she gripped her gun tighter as she looked around, "DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT FIRE WILL KILL ME? THINK AGAIN LIEUTENANT" Wren came up behind Meggy, holding a large metal bar and slamming it against Meggy, knocking her to the ground. Meggy could see the half of Wren's face was gone, only revealing the Endoskeleton and it leaking his blood blood. He laughed as he kicked Meggy's gun away as he dropped the metal bar. His hands gripped Meggy's neck tightly, lifting her up in the air as Meggy kicked and wheezed, she was gasping for air, the smoke and Wren's grip on her was suffocating her. "Oh I'm going to enjoy watching your pathetic life leave your body" he laughed. She had to think fast. She grabbed her taser from her duty belt and pressed it against Wren's arm, holding down the button as he screeched in pain. He let go of her, pulling on the wire of the taser to get it off of him. Meggy could feel herself getting weak and her breathing was getting heavy from the smoke, she grabbed the gun. Now was the chance. Wren grabbed her by the neck again, Meggy just smirked as she placed the gun against his chest. "...Draw.." she pulled the trigger, feeling drop her as he stumbled back. Another Shot, Wren gasped as the other bullet hit his chest, before Meggy took another shot, straight at his head. She watched as Wren's body dropped to the floor. She struggled to get up, wheezing and coughing from the smoke, she saw Tari getting up, seeing her blood leaking from her head, she only took one step before falling to the floor, she couldn't breathe, she could feel her consciousness slipping away, and seeing everything fade to black.

"M-Meggy-!" Tari tried to walk to her, but she couldn't move

Don't move

Why can't I move

I have to move

Meggy is in danger, I need to get to her

This isn't right
I want to move
I need to move
I Will Move

A sudden wave of emotions rushed through Tari's body as she gasped, she stumbled forward a bit as her body trembled. She shook her head as she rushed to Meggy's side, it felt like chains were breaking off of her, and that she no longer had a weight dragging her down. Her LED was glowing a bright red as she carried Meggy in her arms, her breathing was heavy as her eyes darted around. Is this what fear felt like? A constant pounding againts her chest as her body screamed at her to run

Protect Meggy

"TARI! OVER HERE!" Mario yelled, Tari quickly rushed to the voice, holding Meggy tightly, she crashed into him, wincing in pain from the burns on her back, Mario was pushing Tari to the exit. Both of them running as they heard the snaps of wood and stuff falling, they made it out before the whole building collapsed. Tari quickly distanced herself from Mario, keeping Meggy close as she looked around for a way to run. Mario looked at Tari, he knew, he knew from her eyes. She was now a deviant and she's trying to run away. "W-Wait Tari-! Look at me!" Mario quickly spoke, "you're okay..! J-Just get in my car..! I'll explain!" Tari just held onto Meggy, still breathing heavily. "H-How can I-" "Just get in the car... I-I promised you're not gonna get hurt..! J-just give me Meggy... and stay in the car..." Tari didn't know if she could trust him, but she knew Meggy needed medical help quickly, she hesitated a bit before giving Meggy to Mario. She heard new voices getting close and she quickly ran to the car, getting inside and hiding. She peaked and saw Meggy getting placed in a stretcher and into the ambulance as firefighters began to control and eliminate the fire, she trembled as she watched. She saw Mario walking to the car, she saw him speaking into his walkie talkie. Was he reporting that she was a deviant now? She quickly got out of the car, "wait Tari-!" "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Tari quickly dashed off, Mario watched as Tari disappeared, he didn't chase her, he didn't do anything, he just watched. "Shit..."

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