I saw him

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I could smell the strong metallic sickening stench of blood from where I was standing. I was on my way back from the bathroom, I had checked the time earlier and saw that it was beyond closing time for the daycare. It made sense, I went to the bathroom just a couple of minutes before it ended anyway. What I saw in front of me, however, didn't make any sense. I didn't get it. I couldn't get it. What I was seeing couldn't be real.

I looked up at the ceiling to see my 4-year-old little brother stuck to the ceiling. It looked like he was strung up because of the unnatural position he was in. It looked like strings tied up his legs together but that's all I could see of him. In front of him was Sun. He was standing upside down on the ceiling. I could see everything but his arms. His arms seemed to be busy with something...busy with the corpse.

I kept myself from gasping once I realized that the reason my brother wasn't moving wasn't because he was tied up, it was because he was dead. The amount of blood that was pouring out of his body confirmed it.

Blood fell from his body like waterfalls at a time. The occasional dripping blood gave me a slight hope that he was still alive but when another waterfall interrupted it, I knew better than to assume the best. I couldn't stop listening to its cruel rhythm.


Drip drip.


Drip drip.

Right before the blood reached each "pour" stage Sun would move more than usual. I found myself slowly backing away while covering my mouth. This was to keep myself from throwing up, screaming, and whimpering. I was almost at the door when I accidentally bumped into a stack of those toy barrels. They all came toppling down. Sun noticed immediately. He said in a muffled voice,

"Clean up! Clean up!"

As he talked, his voice got less and less muffled. I soon saw the disgusting reason as to why. The more he talked, the more red mush came out of his mouth. It hit the floor with a slimy splat. I knew what it was, and I almost threw up. Before I had the chance to lean over and hurl, Sun's body started to move. It twisted and contorted like the world's most talented acrobat. He moved his arms, then his legs, then his head, and finally his whole body until he was facing the mess

and me.

All I could take in was that he had blood on his face and flesh stuck in his teeth. How much? I couldn't tell because I bolted out almost as soon as he turned around. I ran for the hills not looking back and I almost tripped on the stairs leading into the main entrance. I stopped myself just in time and looked behind me to see that I wasn't being followed. Warm tears streamed down my face as I took in everything that just happened.

I saw him. I saw Sun eat my little brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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