Chpt.1 The Beginning

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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
The Rebels had one the day and destroyed the Death Star, but the emperor and Darth Vader were still alive and the Empire was still alive. After having failed to convince Darth Vader to join the light, Luke Skywalker escaped from the Emperor and Darth Vader.
With the Death Star destroyed the empire lost one of their greatest weapons, but would soon find another.
Elsewhere, on Earth a young demigod with incredible strength, but also incredible potential in the powers of the force. And these powers would manifest in the worst way possible.

Percy POV:
"Oh hey, yeah, maybe some other time." Annabeth said as I asked if she wanted to go out on a date. This was the third time this week. We were at peace, following the giant war, but now, everyone was pushing me away, nobody had the time of day for me it seemed. "OMG, POSEIDON'S HERE!" a camper screamed as I was leaving Annabeths cabin, I began making my way to the beach where everyone had gathered. "Hello demigods, I am here to introduce my son and prodigy, Kyle." He announced as a teenager, who looked about my age. "To protect him from prophecy's past, I took him into my home, but believe that now is the time to introduce you all to him.

I stumbled back in shock as he announced this. He left me to fend for myself but protected this prick who now stood before me and all the other demigods like he was better than us. I walked away to collect my thoughts. I walked till reached a large cliff overlooking the sea, which now I didn't pay much attention too, I was focused more on the stars above. I sat there for a while before I felt at peace. I walked back to camp where all the campers sat around the bonfire singing songs. I saw Annabeth sitting next to Kyle but I didn't let that get to me. I walked over and sat next to Annabeth who was talking to Jonathan. "Hey Wise Girl." I said. "Oh, hey." She said barely looking over. "Ok." I said immediately standing back up, walking back to my cabin and going to bed.

*A Few Weeks Later*

I couldn't take it, I had to get away, ever since this douche back Kyle showed up my life's been hell. People have been blaming me for shit I didn't do, everyone was pissed at me and it's because of Kyle. Everyone i used to be friends with gave me murderous looks, even Annabeth looked angry at me all the time. I had been blamed for destroying the Demeter kids garden, breaking the Hephaestus forge and so much more. I took a trip to the cliff. This time, in the night sky I saw a new star one I hadn't seen before but didn't really take notice, I was more busy looking at the all too familiar constellation of Zoe Nightshade.

It was late at night, long after all the campers had gone to bed leaving camp a ghost town, I went back to my cabin. As I neared, I heard male moans and a creaking bed. I opened my door to see Kyle "fucking" Annabeth. Air quotes on the "fucking" as she had a blank expression at his 2 inch dick. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" I screamed out and hatred and angry and shock. Annabeth pulled a cover over herself in show which left Kyle by himself. I didn't know it, but in my anger, the warm green to a violent yellow and red.

Suddenly a giant smirk came across his face as he yelled out in fake fear. "Help, Percys trying to kill me." I turned around and saw as all the lights around the camp turned on and people began rushing out of there cabins towards me. Jason was the first to reach me and he tackled me to the ground, before I could fight back my arms and legs where pinned down I was beat and stabbed within an inch of my life, after minutes of this they grabbed me by my ankles and wrist as brought me to the big camp fire in the dinning pavilion and threw me into the fire, my increased heat resistance doing little I called out to the gods, who I knew you could hear me because I was thrown into their sacrificial fire, but no one came. My body burned and I struggled and crawled out of the fire they grabbed my burned deformed body and dragged me into the woods. I was barely conscious as they left me to die.

Darth Vader POV:
I feel a great disturbance, a being who was so pure yet was now filled with much anger and hatred, and so much potential. I got into my tie fighter and immediately flew to earth where I found this being. I found a burned body, barely alive and breathing.
"Hello young one, together, we will rule the galaxy." I said loading him onto my ship to give him the same chance I had.

This is just a teaser/origin, will be a little while till the next upload for this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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