Chapter 1: Falling for Starscream

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Soundwave immersed himself in the hum of the computers, silent as always, his focus unwavering on his tasks. The rhythmic tapping of keys echoed through the dimly lit chamber.

Amidst the digital symphony, the brutal sounds of Megatron disciplining Starscream reverberated. The battle's intensity sent shivers through the base, a testament to the fierce clash between leader and seeker.

Starscream, nursing his wounds, begrudgingly took his place at a workstation. Flinching from the pain, he muttered, "Pain is temporary, victory is eternal," determined to channel his focus into his duties despite the physical toll.

Later, in the energon storage area, Soundwave materialized before Starscream, unintentionally startling the seeker. Energon cubes clattered as Starscream exclaimed, "Damn you, Soundwave! Don't do that!"

"I apologize, Starscream," Soundwave responded neutrally, picking up the fallen energon cubes. "I wish to discuss recent events with Megatron."

Curious, Starscream inquired, "Recent events with Megatron?"

Soundwave acknowledged a shift in Megatron's behavior, hinting at an obsession with power. Starscream attributed it to Megatron's consumption of dark energon, surprised that Soundwave, always by Megatron's side, hadn't noticed.

"I thought you knew about the big bozo," Starscream remarked, irritated.

Soundwave, maintaining composure, pledged to monitor the situation closely. As Starscream returned to work, Soundwave's attention unintentionally drifted to the sleek contours of Starscream's frame.

"Soundwave, get a hold of yourself," he scolded internally, attempting to refocus on duty.

Back at the base, Soundwave, approaching Starscream, queried about the energon. Starscream, irritated, retorted, "Checking on the energon, you idiot."

Soundwave, maintaining a professional tone, inquired about any unusual energon properties. Satisfied with Starscream's response, he left him to work.

As Starscream toiled, Soundwave couldn't ignore the allure of the seeker's form. Struggling to control his thoughts, he chastised himself before Starscream concluded his tasks.

As Starscream toiled, Soundwave couldn't ignore the allure of the seeker's form. Struggling to control his thoughts, he chastised himself before Starscream concluded his tasks.

Interrupted by a Decepticon soldier, Soundwave refocused on duty, acknowledging Megatron's call for an artifact. The soldier mentioned Starscream's involvement, and Soundwave, blushing, agreed to work with him.

Tasked with working together, Soundwave and Starscream exchanged greetings. As they set out on their mission, the delicate dance between duty and the unspoken emotions lingering in Soundwave's core unfolded in the midst of Decepticon machinations.

Starscream and Soundwave, compelled by Megatron's command, embarked on their mission together. The tension between them lingered, a silent undercurrent beneath the surface of duty.

As they navigated the desolate landscape towards the artifact's location, Starscream maintained his usual demeanor, an air of arrogance and defiance. Soundwave, however, found himself caught in a delicate balance, torn between his loyalty to Megatron and the unexpected emotions brewing within.

The journey unfolded in uneasy silence, broken only by the occasional transmission from Megatron, providing updates and directions. Starscream, although focused on the task at hand, couldn't help but notice Soundwave's internal struggle.

"Something on your circuits, Soundwave?" Starscream quipped, glancing at the silent communications officer.

Soundwave, his stoic expression unwavering, responded, "Merely processing mission parameters."

The air remained charged with unspoken tension as they approached the artifact's location. Megatron's orders were clear – retrieve the item at all costs. Starscream, ever ambitious, saw an opportunity to impress Megatron, while Soundwave, conflicted by his growing feelings, struggled to maintain professionalism.

Upon reaching the artifact's chamber, Starscream took charge, outlining their plan of action. Soundwave, always efficient, nodded in agreement. As they worked together, a peculiar camaraderie began to form, a fusion of necessity and shared objectives.

As Starscream manipulated controls and Soundwave monitored their surroundings, a subtle acknowledgment passed between them. The unspoken understanding of their roles in this dangerous dance of war and conflicting emotions became palpable.

Amidst the mission's intensity, Starscream couldn't shake the feeling that Soundwave's gaze lingered a fraction longer than necessary. Soundwave, on the other hand, battled with the conflicting signals within – duty pulling him towards Megatron, and an undeniable attraction pulling him towards Starscream.

Their collaboration continued, each moment pushing the boundaries of their connection. Starscream's irritation with Soundwave's seeming detachment waned as he observed the communications officer's unwavering dedication to the mission.

As they retrieved the artifact, Starscream couldn't resist a smug smile, satisfied with the success. Soundwave, while not displaying emotions outwardly, internally acknowledged the effectiveness of their teamwork.

Back at the base, they presented the artifact to Megatron, who, pleased with the results, dismissed them. Starscream sauntered away, leaving Soundwave alone with his conflicted thoughts.

Soundwave couldn't deny the growing complexity of his feelings for Starscream. Duty and desire waged a silent war within him, and as he observed Starscream's departure, he knew this silent love would continue to unfold, complicating the already intricate web of Decepticon alliances and intrigues.

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