Valentines dayyy

252 11 11

This one is in a third person perspective

Mk is sitting in her bedroom biting her fingernails out of pure nervousness and anxiety, this year is the first year she'd actually have a valentine and it's someone who she's head over heels in love with.. that scares her

She's never actually celebrated Valentine's Day or seen how it's done and that doesn't help her stress.

Meanwhile Julia is at home making her girlfriend mk a cute card for the occasion

Mk does what she does best and panics. She pulls out her phone and texts one of her friends asking for help

"Raj! I need your help!!" She sent the text

Raj reply's pretty fast, like he's been waiting for this text all day?

"What's up?" He responded

"It's Valentine's Day idk what to do"

"Ohhh I'll come over and help you ;)"

"Thank you dude"

She sent the text and nearly threw her phone across the room and tucked her knees up against her chest before burying her face in her knees

"I should be better at this.. me and Julia have been dating for so long.." she thought to herself quite embarrassed

"I mean... Julia has dated someone before.. I don't know how many people before me, but I've never dated anyone besides her and I just don't want to be the worst partner she's had yet."

Before the negative thoughts could consume her, her friend Raj made it to her house and was knocking on her door

Her mom answered the door and let Raj in and a few seconds later he burst through her bedroom door

"Hey MK!.. wait, were you crying?"

"No. Just overthinking a little" she said with a smile

"Well don't worry! I'm here to help" he said confidently

"O-Ok.. uh.."

"Well I'm quite an expert at Valentine's Day considering how long me and Bowie have been together!"

"2 years.."

"2 years too experienced, first we need to go to the store and buy her chocolate, girls love chocolate"

"How would you know if you're gay"

"Because I'm an expert okay?? Also Julia and Wayne are close enough for me to know everything about her"

"Julia and Wayne are close..?"

"Some ex's stay friends" Raj shrugged

"They've dated!?"

"U-Uh.. well.. back in middle school.."

"Okay, whatever, let's go to the store"

Mk got off her bed and grabbed her wallet and keys, and raj's arm dragging him out the door and to the car

"Are you upset?" Raj asked

"No, I'm not! Why would you think that?"

"You aren't acting like yourself"

"Maybe today is just an off day" she brushed him off and started driving

The rest of the car ride was silent until they got to the store

"Well you don't want to get her chocolate that has the gross filling in it, everyone hates that kind. You just have to get her the normal kind"


"And you have to get her flowers and make her a cute little card"

"Can't we just buy a card?" Mk asked

"That works too!" He smiled and helped her out with her stuff and even paid!

"Mk.. tells me what's wrong"

"What? Nothing is wrong!"

"I know something is up"

Mk sighed "fine.."
"I just feel like I'm the worst person Julia's dated! I mean I had to have someone help me with what I should get her when I should already know.."

"Hey! Don't say that! You're like uh.. the second best person she's ever dated"


"Well I can't say you're better than Wayne! But you're a better partner for her because she chose you over everyone else she's ever had!!"

"I guess you're right.."

"Sorry I'm.. not very good at this stuff"
"But I know how you feel"


"Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for Bowie and that I'm the worst partner he's had"

"Why would you feel that way?! Bowie is beyond lucky to have you, Raj"

"Say the same thing to yourself" he chuckled

"..thank you" she smiled before dropping Raj off at his house and then driving over to Julia's house

Which is maybe a 3 minute drive

She parked outside her house and knocked on the door

"Hey, Mk! Hi!" She smiled

"Hi... h-happy Valentine's Day!"

"Happy valentine's! Come in"

Julia ran upstairs to get her gifts for mk

Mk sat on the couch and could really feel herself sweating from the stress

After a minute Julia came down with a gift bag and sat next to Mk

"Here you go" she smiled

"H-Here.." Mk handed Julia her gifts

They kinda got each other the same thing but hey, it's Valentine's Day what else can you get?

"Thank you for the gifts Mk" she smiled and kissed her cheek

"You're welcome.. thank you for the gifts you got me" Mk smiled and leaned over to kiss her girlfriend

A/N MWAAAHH.. happy early valentines and I'm sorry this story isn't as good as the others

Valentine's Day ~ mkulia Where stories live. Discover now