Arc 1 chapter 6 All that remains

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It has been a couple days since Adwen has last encountered Lance. Adwen is currently taking a walk through lowtown at night, Adwen thinks about heading to the hanged man. Until he spots Hawke, Varric, Anders, and Isabela which surprises him.

Adwen: Hawke? Varric? What are you two, doing here at night?

Varric: Hawke's mother is missing; we're trying to find her.

Adwen: Well, would you like help?

Hawke: Sure why not, the more people we have. The faster we find mother.

Anders: You're not going to turn me into the templars, are you?

Adwen: Don't worry I won't.

Adwen then joins Hawke's group, in finding Hawke's mother. They soon find Hawke's uncle Gamlen talking to a street urchin about Hawke's mother Leandra.

Urchin: I told you already. I saw her!

Gamlen: Did you see where she went?

Urchin: What do I get for telling you?

Hawke: (gives the urchin some silver) Here's a few silver. Buy yourself some food. (looks at his feet) And new shoes.

Urchin: (gasps) That's real silver, that is! I'm your man, through and through. Tell you everything I know! That lady was here. She looked like she was going to take the bridge to hightown. But then a man came up to her. He stumbled and fell over, right at her feet, like he was dead. His hands were all bloody, like he'd been in a fight. The lady shook him, and I think he said, "Help". She got him to his feet, and he was wobbly- it was funny. Anyway, they left, and... that's all I saw.

Hawke: (to Gamlen) I'm going after mother. You go back home.

Urchin: (pointing) The man left some blood... where he fell over. You could follow it.

Gamlen: Why don't you do what the boy says? I'm going back home in case Leandra shows up.

Hawke and the group look at the blood which looks fresh, it then leads to a trail of blood in which they follow. The blood soon leads into a building in which the group enters.

Varric: We've been here before, haven't we?

Anders: I wonder if we'll find more than just a sack of bones this time.

Hawke: Mother must be here somewhere. We need to look around. (spots another blood trail) There! more blood, they are here somewhere.

The group continues to follow the trail of blood that leads up the stairs and then to a trap door where someone look to have done a bad job concealing it. The group then goes down the trap door which leads to a hideout in darktown. The group is then ambushed by some demons, but they easily defeat them. After defeating the demons, Hawk spots a woman lying on a bench. Hawke thinks it's his mother and runs up to her.

Hawke: Mother!

As Hawke turns the woman over she turns out not to be Hawke's mother but someone else they recognize.

Hawke: Alesa?

Adwen: (checks her) She's dead.

The group continues through the hideout, Hawke finds a locket that he again recognizes.

Hawke: (picks the locket up) I know this locket. It belongs to mother.

The group soon comes across what looks like a living space and library where they encounter more demons which they again easily defeat. They soon notice a painting of a woman that bears a resemblance to someone Hawke knows.

Hawke: What... is this? The woman in the painting... she almost looks like Mother.

Anders: A shrine dedicated to a wife? A sister?

Hawke: I need to find her. Now.

The group moves on from the living space and continues through the hideout. They soon come across a blood mage kneeling beside a body in a white wedding gown that is sitting in a chair, the man stands up and looks at the body. He then notices the group, but most of all recognizes Hawke.

Blood mage: I was wondering when you'd show up. Leandra was so sure you'd come for her.

Hawke: Where is she?

Blood mage: (smiles maliciously) You will never understand my purpose. Your mother was chosen because she was special, and now she is something... greater.

Hawke: Spare me the demented rambling. Where is she?

Blood mage: (turns his head to the body) She's here. She's waiting for you. I have done the impossible. I have touched the face of the maker and lived.

Hawke is confused by the blood mages ramblings.

Blood mage: Do you know what the strongest force in the universe is?

Blood mage: (turns and faces the body) Love. I pieced her together from memory. I found her eyes, her skin, her delicate fingers... And at last, her face... oh, this beautiful face. (touches the bodies' face, the body then gets up) I've searched far and wide to find you again, beloved, and no force on this earth will part us.

The body then turns around and is revealed to be a body with the face of Hawke's mother. Which horrifies Hawke seeing their mother being a raised corpse. The blood mage then summons a bunch of shades and corpses. The group engages in a fight with the blood mage and his minion, Hawke faces the blood mage Adwen takes down some of the corpses easily with his sword. While Varric shoots and kills some shades with his crossbow Bianca, Adwen blocks a shades attack with his shield and stabs the shade. Adwen, Varric, Anders, and Isabella turn around. And see that Hawke has killed the blood mage, Hawke turns around and sees his mother Leandra's raised corpse.

Hawke: Mother!

Leandra's corpse collapses in Hawke's arms and Hawke cradles her.

Anders: There' nothing I could do. His magic was keeping her alive.

Leandra: I knew you would come.

Hawke: Don't move, mother. We'll find a way to...

Leandra: Shh. Don't fret, darling. That man would have kept me trapped in here. But now... I'm free. I get to see Carver again... and your father. But you'll be here alone.

Hawke: I should have watched over you more closely, I should have...

Leandra: My little boy has become so strong. I love you. You've always made me so proud.

Leandra dies, as the rest of the group stand over a mourning Hawke. Afterwards the guards come by to assess what happened, Lance though comes by with some templars, Anders leaves immediately after seeing them.

Adwen: Lance! what are you doing here?

Lance: Meredith found out what happened and sent me. After promoting me to Knight Lieutenant.

Adwen: Well! congratulations!

Lance: It looks like I was right, all mages need to be made tranquil to prevent things like this!

Adwen: The actions of one mage, determine what they are all like!

Lance: In my eyes they do! From my time as Meredith's paige, and now inner circle.

Adwen decides to leave the scene not wanting to argue with Lance, Varric follows Adwen

Varric: Boy! rough night for us all, am I right? How about we head to the hanged man for a drink? first round is on me.

Adwen: Sure, why not.

Anders: Can I join you?

Varric: Why not, the more the merrier

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