important notice

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hello, it's randi ! so, i know it's been a LONG time since this book was even touched on, since i finished it my freshman year and im in junior year now.

my writing style has changed a lot and i am not super happy with the way i decided to write this story. i originally did it word for word episode by episode how the show happened.

i've been doing a lot of thinking, and i've since finished two other books since writing this one, and i have been thinking about rewriting this one with my newer style.

i feel like i didn't give chloe and isaac's story justice by just following it exactly from the show and adding a few of my own things.

so, that being said, this story will be under HEAVY revision. i have decided to, for the moment, just take down what i have up, and reupload once i have the updates finished. sorry to just take it away from you guys but i really want to fix it up before more people get to reading it.

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