Chapter one

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WARNING: This story contains mature content that may not be suitable for some readers.

The weathered dock, kissed by the seafoam, is cracking in its seams when we arrive on shore. A warm breeze travels through the quiet coastline of the Tenhirin Isles. These isles are mainly used as trade centers and contain a fairly large population. The high tide during the sunset helps us walk towards land when we arise in unity from the teal water, breaking its surface with the tops of our heads.

The ensemble that I choose to wear for this mission is already bothering me. The loose purplish dress that I've chosen, clings to me like a second skin. Little droplets of lukewarm water travel down my arms and newfound-legs as I tilt my head, blinking at the blazing orange globe that seems to sting during its setting course. 

The heat I experience from observing the sunset is rather scorching. The only good thing about the sunset is the fact that the moon will replace it with its luminous glory. But who knows, it might be the rough winds that dry my eyes up like sandpaper, and not the sun. My attention shifts abruptly to the right when a delicate hand reaches for my wrist.

I lift my bloodshot eyes to meet the gaze of Queen Meredythil, the matriarch of the Lemurïan sea. Her motherly gaze rests upon me as she gently nudges me towards the shoreline. An unspoken debate plays out between us; I feel like I'm not ready yet. Her assured indigo eyes, which are such a contrast to her fiery red hair, proclaim a feeling of certainty in me. With a few strides, we march onto the dry sand.

The first steps go reasonably well, the grainy feeling of the mayotte sand intensifies when we travel further, leaving me with an icky sensation. The vast expanse of deserted sand stretching to the horizon brings me a sense of calmth. We pass a few huts that are made out of clay and palm leaves, but there's an eerie absence of life.

In the distance, a sizable group of hooded figures dressed in dark cloaked attire stands not far from us, just a few fins away. Queen Meredythil and I trail behind the six Maestrom Guards, an elite group of our best fighters who have been handpicked by Her Majesty. They maintain their hawkmoth formation as we approach the figures who remain stony. No movements are made from their part as we come to a halt in front of their silent assembly. The two guards in front of us step aside. A sense of anticipation fills the air as one of the figures lifts their hood, while the others remain statuesque. The tension dissipates when the revealed face belongs to a female Selkae wearing a welcoming smile. 

"We have been expecting you, Queen Mother Maestrom of the Lemurïan Sea."

This is my first time seeing Selkaes. It was said that they were like us, Lemurïans but that they have adapted to life on land. Some still possess the ability to transform their legs into tails, though they seem to prefer the above, something I will never understand. Like us they have sharp features, a strong build, and almost luminiscent skin the only difference is the intensity. Their hues and features are more dim as if the essence of the moon has disappeared. I silently study the group, I count twelve figures excluding the female that greeted us. The hooded ones must be male Selkaes. I don't know for sure but the difference between the messenger and them is noticeable.

High tide: The depths of LemurïaWhere stories live. Discover now