Chapter 15

330 36 40

December 26, 2016

I was surprised when I woke up the next day because of the 43 missed calls coming from Zeke. He invaded my phone's notification with a lot of his texts too. The first thing I read was what happened and how I am.

I lazily left my phone on my bed and got downstairs. I made up my mind that I wouldn't read it anymore because I didn't want to start my day with drama.

"Son, you're awake. Russelle came here earlier looking for you. I said you were still asleep. I would have woken you up, but he said don't, and he'll just be right back," my mother said when she saw me.

"Okay, I'll just take a shower," I lazily answered because I don't have any interest left.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick today?" she worriedly asks.

"I'm okay," I answered, faking a smile.

"Did something happen yesterday? Did your friends do something to you? Was it Russelle?" she asks, trying to make me open up.

"Nothing happened, Mama. Everything is okay. Don't think that something happened because nothing really happened," I lazily answered her.

"I'm going to take a shower now," I added.

I went straight to the bathroom because I really didn't want to talk about him. I am just trying to be positive today, and in order to do that, I must let go of all the negative things in my life.

To be honest, if I could just forget what happened, I would, but I know I can't.

I immediately went up to my room after taking a shower. I dressed simply because I decided that I didn't want to go out today. After that, I just went downstairs again to eat my breakfast.

"Son, eat well," Mama said, showing a smile.

"Yes, as usual, your cooking is delicious," I said, also giving her a smile.

"Knock knock?" I heard someone say.

"Who is it?" Mama asks.

I already knew who it was before my mother could even open the door. I know that voice so well because he's always here.

"Good morning, Auntie Emilia," Kean happily greeted.

"Good morning as well, Kean. Come on in," my mother offered.

"Is Eli there? Is he awake?" Kean asks.

"Yeah, he's awake. He's in the kitchen right now, eating. How about you? Did you have breakfast already?" my mother asks.

"Yeah, I already ate my breakfast before coming here," Kean said.

"Eli, Kean's here," my mother said.

"Hey, join me," I said, without even looking at him.

"It's okay. I'm already done," he replied.

"Why are you here so early? You didn't tell me you were coming," I said lazily because I'm not really in the mood to interact with anyone today.

"Nothing. I just want to hang out with you, and I told you that I wanted to come, but you didn't reply, so I thought I'd just come here," he explained.

"Hmm, I am sorry for that. My phone's battery is low, and I didn't charge it," I muttered.

"It's okay," he said, and we fell silent for a while.

I wash the plates I use after I finish eating. Then, I invited Kean to go to my room if he wanted. I just really want some peace and quietness today.

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