New Friends

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"Hey guys! I got her to calm down..!" Sofia walked out with Tari by her side, Tari was looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact from everyone. "Hey..! Welcome to the hideout! I hope we didn't scare you too much on our first encounter" a taller man walked over to shake her hand, "I'm Lamar," Tari shook his hand but didn't even bothered to look at him. Her hands were trembling. "Uh... a-And over here is Masa!" Lamar tried to change the subject, but all Tari did was a small wave before backing away a bit, her LED flashing a yellow color. "Listen... I know tonight has been a lot... how about you get yourself cleaned up and-" Sofia was cut off by the news on the TV.

"A Deviant android, SP100, or what it was better know as "One Shot Wren" body was found at an abandoned building and is being taken in by Cyber Life to figure out what caused it to rogue, just a few hours ago, Lieutenant Meggy Spletzer and her Android, MR800-"

Right as she heard Meggy's name, she immediately looked up at the screen.

"-Was going after this android when the fire came from unknown sources, Lieutenant Meggy Spletzer was quickly taken to the hospital for her wounds but her android, MR800, or what is called "Tari" is no where to be found. Police at the scene say that there's a possibility that she has been destroyed in the building-"

"Meggy..." she softly muttered as she thought for a moment, but her train of thought was lost when she felt a small jab at the side of her head. "Ow-! Hey!" Tari backed away as she placed her hand over her the spot that was jabbed at, her LED no longer there. "Huh-" "Sorry-! We usually do this for others so we have a more "human" look," Sofia scanned the LED and paused, seemingly confused and looked up at Tari. "you're that android... and you're a prototype!" Sofia gave the LED to Masa as she walked around Tari, Sorta inspecting her.


"Yeah..! It said on your LED, that's probably why you look so different than us,"


"Well, not all androids have a metal arm like you do," Sofia lightly held Tari's left arm, inspecting it as Tari just looked at her confused.

"Wait wait wait, Hold on, you were working for the Detroit Police Department?" Lamar questioned.

"I... I... I don't know anymore..." Tari pulled her arm away as she backed away, bumping into a wall. "I-I thought- I thought I was but now... I'm not even sure what the hell I am-! I-I'm wearing clothes that I stole a-and I-I cant understand these- "Emotions" and... I-I don't even remember what's my purpose anymore" Tari held her head as she started to breathe heavily, her emotions already going haywire. Sofia quickly rushed over and held her hands. "Hey hey...! Breathe... You need to breathe... what are 3 things you see?" Those words. Those words were the same one she used for Meggy when she had a panic attack, she looked around,

"a couch... a TV... and the table..."

"3 things you hear..?"

"You... the fan in the room... my breathing..."

"And 3 things you feel"

"This Jacket... you.. and... I-I can't-"

"It's alright... breathe..." Tari took in a deep breath, soon calming down, she rubbed her head gently as she looked away from the group. "You're safe here with us, we are just like you..." Sofia softly smiled, "I think you should rest... we can talk more in the morning and it can give you time to think about these emotions..."

Tari was pulling up the screen from her arm, she was sitting on the bed as her blanket was wrapped around her.

"Dinner is ready Lieutenant"
"you made spaghetti?" "Mhm, had to work with what was around"
"heh, well.. I'm not really a good cook... Holy shit this this delicious"
"I'm glad you like it Lieutenant"
"Uh... Tari...? How about you just call me by my name when it's just us, sorta weird that you keep calling me that when we are not at work"
"Alright.. Meggy"

"Whatcha watching?" Sofia was leaning against the door way, Tari let out a squeak as she immediately got rid of the screen, scrambling a bit at first. "Nothing..! Just... just some memories" Tari hid her face with the blanket, feeling embarrassed. Sofia just softly chuckled and sat down next to her. "Were... were you missing someone?" Sofia softly questioned, leaning forward a bit to listen. Tari nodded slowly as she brought up the screen, showing a small recording of Meggy opening up an aid kit to help clean up the blue blood when Tari got attacked. "... her name is Lieutenant Meggy Speltzer, she... I was her partner when I was working there..." Sofia watched over the recording with curiosity, "heh... she looks small" Sofia joked, Tari giggled as she watched the recording. "She makes up with her attitude and stubbornness... but... she's really kind and very brave..." Tari smiled soon faded as she watched the recording. "... was she the reason you... broke out of your programming...?" Sofia could see the sudden change in Tari's eyes, she looked sad and very depressed. "... yeah... at that building... I saw her drop infront of me, I couldn't move... and the place was in flames and I just..." Tari sighed, "what would she even think of me now...?" Tari closed the screen and hugged her knees, "well... have you thought of going back...?" "... I want to have the time to figure these emotions out... and... when I'm ready... maybe I will... and... I can apologize for running away..."

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