Story 1- I wish we never met...

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I miss my best friend. There I said it. The 5 words that constantly roll around in my head 24/7. He's not dead or anything, in fact, he's laying right next to me, sound asleep. Things are not the same as when I met you...

4 years ago, It went from me to us. The most wholesome, handsome, generous man I'd ever met came and saved me from the darkness that consumed me. He saved me, gave me a reason to keep fighting, keep living. Just young teenagers, we thought we were destined, made for each other. We dreamt of our lives together as adults, getting our own apartment, spending countless hours talking to each other, going on trips, starting a family. Today, I can't even imagine it anymore. Life just took over and now we rest on the back burner. I consume myself with keeping this partnership afloat and I can't even tell if you give a crap about it anymore. The same damn excuses over and over again.

Things were great, we moved in together, we spent every waking hour of the day together. We went on our own little adventures and lived life like it would be all over at any point. Now, we see each other a few hours a day, and you're too tired to even watch a movie before bed. So burnt out from over working yourself. We get one day a week together, fully, and you spend the whole day in bed, regardless of the important tasks that need to be completed that day. I don't even know how to talk to you anymore. I barely know you. We used to share everything with each other, and now, I'm drowning in my thoughts trying to rack my brain with what to say to you. I don't want you to get the impression I am pulling away, but if I say too much, you'll get overwhelmed and freak out. I'm walking on egg shells just to keep the lurking fight in the closet.

I miss the careless kids we once were, the way the room light up when you walked in, they way I watched the clock praying time would stop so I didn't have to leave. Young love, so wholesome, so far from the truth. I miss the way we laughed for hours, held each other, when you promised me you'd never leave my side, protect me forever. I miss the young boy who would do anything to make me smile on my worst days, hold me for hours until I felt normal again, the boy who shared his hopes and dreams with me. The boy that would send me the most random things that would remind me of him. The hopeless romantic, who can't even look at me anymore.

Most of all... I miss my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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