The Dream Of The Death

28 11 1

Title: The Dream of the death

Author: JessicaIvy24


I guess your choice of book title was to show how Lynn though cuss to die, has the dream to live. As for the cover you wanted it to represent someone arising from its ashes, but in this story I will advise you to have another cover with human figure, death something that will link more to your story.

To be sincere, just with the begining of your story, I am captivated. By your words, by your writing and the different between how bright the life in the village is ans how Lynn life is. It really captivate the reader because it represents life circumstances. In this life there are people who eat, live fine and sleep on comfortable beds while others are suffering. On one side we have those privilege people thinking highly of themselves because they were born and raised on the good side ans others who need to endure wickedness due to misfortune. The flow is good though I don't really get how Lynn might have lived all that life without seeing things we are used to ans how she ended up mute. That apart, I will say your editing was well made.

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