Top 25 Men & Women Professional Headshot Examples

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Want to master the art of headshot photography that will skip every viewer's heartbeat? Then cheer up, buddy, as we have the perfect headshot example for you.

Indeed, where headshot photography is regarded as one of the finest forms of portraiture, playing with it has never been easy. From finding the perfect location and setting to adjusting the lighting and toggling for the best posture, there are a number of factors that a headshot photographer looks at before coming up with a meticulously composed headshot that transcends beauty, confidence, and yet a professional look.

Now, without any further ado, let's delve through the article and learn about some of the best business and corporate headshot examples, along with a few proven tips and tricks that will excel your photography game to skyrocket heights.

How to pose a perfect headshot? 25 Men and women Professional samples of headshots to eye on!

Headshot Photography is a form of portrait photography that is used to capture professional profile pictures, either for your website or LinkedIn profile. It involves a close-up capture of your face.

Now that you are familiar with the basics of headshot photography, let's discover some outstanding headshot examples that offer professional imagery with a very versatile look to fall for. These include:

1. The Classic Smile

The traditional grin, which serves to identify your personality and brand yourself, is among the simplest and most popular headshot ideas. All you need to do is straighten up your body and give a natural smile.

2. Hand on Chin / Man Thinking with Hand on His Chin

A hand on the chin is a great, tempting pose that shows you are pondering about the next person or listening intently. The pose portrays a sense of being lost in deep thoughts. It is best for a business meeting headshot.

3. Slight Angling –

Looking for something more than a straight, static look for your headshot? Then why not angle your body a bit? Slight angling is a modern corporate headshot example that involves rotating your body a bit until you have an angled view with a camera. It adds a playful and friendly look to the headshot, thus delivering an approachable and complete vibe.

4. Cross your arms

Another perfect headshot style is the crossed arms one. For this, you need to stand in an effortless way with your hands crossed and, indeed, a cheerful smile on your face. It shows confidence, professionalism, and an open approach.

5. The Hand on hips

The hand on the hips is one of the most powerful poses for headshot photography. It delivers a sense of being strong, independent, and self-assured.

To pose for it, place both your hands on your hips with a slightly curved posture.

6. Look over the shoulder

In the Look Over the Shoulder headshot, the entire focus is on your facial expression and not the body. In it, you turn your face a bit over the shoulder, turn your back towards the camera, and that's it.

Try to give an eye-catching, flawless expression, as the camera is going to capture you all, and definitely, a tense face won't sit well.

7. Leaning against the wall/ Sideways

Leaning against the wall is more of a casual and informal head pose that will suit the best media industry peeps. In it, you lean your body against a wall. However, make sure to lean the body in a balanced way that shows a sense of ease, relaxation, and an open vibe.

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