Falling for you (Literally)

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This is my first ever OneShot and it's about our all time fav keeper, Oliver Wood. English isn't my first laguage so I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes:) Enjoy!

TW: attempted mrder, implied r\\pe, Reader uses she/her pronouns

Reader/(Y/N) POV:

The wind was whipping around me, tugging at my clothes, my hair, ripping every breath I tried to take from my lips. And yet nothing could stop me as I was plummeting towards the ground. That was it, I realised. This is how I would die.

A day before: "But you have to come! Please, this is like the most important match in the history of Hogwarts!"Unimpressed, I raised an eyebrow at my best friend, Angelina, who has been trying for 20 minutes to convince me to come to the quidditch match tomorrow. It in fact wasn't the most important match in the history of Hogwarts. Yes, it was the Quidditch-Cup-Final between Gryffindor and Slytherin, which WAS an important event, but not important enough for me to come out of the shell I was hiding myself in since I broke up with my asshole of an boyfriend Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin-Team. I had avoided him ever since he screamed "I will make you regret breaking up with me, you filthy little bitch!" at me after gripping my wrists so tightly, I was still able to see the bruises days after. Truth to be told, I was scared of him staying true to his word. I wasn't sure what he was capable of and did not want to give him the chance of taking his revenge.

Angelina sighed and plopped down on the end of my bed which I was currently sitting on while reading a book. "Ok, its not the most important match in the history of Hogwarts, but it is for me and for Oliver too. You know that this is his last chance to win the cup. It would also mean a lot to him if you come..." Ohhh, now she was playing dirty. She knew that I had something for the fierce Gryffindor captain and keeper. "Come on, pretty please?" She gave me her famous puppy eyes and I finally agreed to come to the pitch. "But only if you keep Marcus away from me after the game!" Angie jumped up victoriously and hugged me while whispering "Im sure Wood wouldn't mind playing your knight in shining armour and protecting you from your douchebag of an ex!", in my ear. I blushed and shooed her away: "Now go, or youll be late. Oliver would kill you." "Not when I tell him the reason for me being late is that I convinced you to come to the game!", she replied over her shoulder while practically bouncing out of the room.

I only shook my head while smiling at her antics. The chaser was trying to get Oliver and me together since she learned about my crush on the slightly older boy. I had told her countless of times already that it was to no prevail, because while the Scot and I had shared a friendship over many years now, he had many other girls fawning over him. Oliver Wood had always been cute in my eyes, from the moment he sat next to me in the train to Hogwarts in our first year and asked me about my favorite quidditch-team. He was kind, funny and passionate, especially about quidditch, and when he became the keeper of the Gryffindor-team in his second year and people saw his talent he quickly became popular, even with his lack of social skills. He found his friends from quidditch and I had my own friendgroup but as the first friendship we built in Hogwarts, we always continued to share a special bond. He would always listen to me, when I needed someone to rant to or would joke around with me while going to shared classes and regularly met up with me just for the sake of spending time in each others presence. I think that was when I slowly started to fall for Oliver Wood. And then when he came back for the 5th year, having spend the whole summer in a program for young gifted quidditch players, people, especially girls, weren't only looking at him because they recognised the golden keeper and new captain of Gryffindor. Puberty had hit him full on: He seemed to have finally grown into his - before - lanky body, all the hard training now showing in his muscular arms and toned body. His features had become sharper and his voice had dropped, which brought out his unique accent even more. All in all, he had become quite hot and I often heard my roommates gushing about how handsome he was. So not only had I major concurrence but he was also way out of my league, which is why I went to admiring him from afar and accepting when Marcus asked me out. I know, it sounds horrible, like I was just using him for getting over my silly little crush, but I really wanted to give him a chance. At first he was really sweet, taking me out to Hogsmeade, giving me compliments and even sending little love notes from time to time. But then he started to become quite posessive and territorial over me. One day, a boy in my potions class asked me for my knife, because he forgot his. When Marcus found out, he yelled at me, accusing me to cheat on him with said boy. I reassured him that I wasnt cheating and had no intention to, trying to explain the situation, but he wouldnt listen. That was the point where our relationship started to become toxic. He was constantly around and wouldnt allow me to go somewhere without his knowledge of where I was going and with whom. On several occasions he would scream at me, insulting me as whore and slut, when I was talking to any other boy than him, especially Oliver. I wanted to break up, but Marcus gaslit me into thinking, I was the bad guy in our relationship. I tried to keep my problems from Angie and my other friends, but they all noticed something was wrong and asked me about my changed mood. I would put on a fake smile and lie that everything was fine, so after some time they stopped pressing me for answers. The final straw was when the boy from Slytherin decided it was time that we consumed our relationship further, as he said. I didnt want to, but he forced himself on me, pinning me up against a wall of an empty classroom. I felt disgusting. Angelina found me in the showers, crying, while rubbing my skin raw trying to forget the hard touch of his hands. She was furious when she saw me like this and even more when I finally told her everything. She wanted to go to Dumbledore and report Flint, but I was scared that that would make everything worse and begged her not to tell anyone. She relucantly agreed under the condition that I would finally break up with Marcus. So I did, which didnt end very well. I havent seen him often since then. It was easy to avoid him in between classes, since we dint share many courses anyway and Angie made a point of not leaving me alone. Atleast one of my friends was always present, sometimes even Oliver. I never told him what exactly led to Marcus and me finally breaking up, only that we werent exactly on good terms right now. The only place where it was seemingly unavoidable to run into my ex was at the Quidditch-pitch. Somehow he had once managed to pass me up perfectly after a match when no one of my friends was around as I was walking alone back to the castle. Luckily I got out of the situation by simply running as fast as I could when I saw him approaching but since then I had refused to go anywhere near the pitch. Well, until now. I sighed while trailing behind a few other students walking to the tribunes, their excited chatter filling the air.

Falling for you (Literally)/Oliver Wood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now