the triangle

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i know im supposed to hate him! I race against him .

But hes just so hot , but i would never do that to sally i love her! Right...? 

This started after me and storm both tied on the race and he told me to meet me in his trailer, i did so gladly. Once i was in the trailer he wasnt mad at me. Witch was off. He proceeded to say " i need to tell you something, sometime importantly" . i said ok?.. go on. He hesitated for a while untill he said " i like you" i was shocked but also relived. i blushed and said me too. But i could never do that to sally i stated. He said " sally dosnt have to know" as he pushed me against the wall and started to makeout with me. I have to confess that i did enjoy it. Soon one thing led to aother and it was morning , i woke up startled " Shit Sally what do i tell her? Sallys gonna be mad!" Storm said dont worry, i want to see you back tomorrow as i drove out franticly trying to think of an excuse to tell sally.

When arriving back at home she was mad and asked why i didnt come hopm and on the spot  i said ' They wanted  me on a late night show and after it was late aso i just booked a motel" i thought she would have caught on but insted she said ok, do you like this dress on me? i smugly said " it would look better of you". she began to blush and push me into the bedroom and onto the bed. " i love you " she said while moaning " me too " i said , but did i or did  i love storm? 

after we gust layed on the bed gazing on the celling just thinkind. thats when i relized i still loved her and i couldent do anything to hurt her, as much as i loved storm , i loved her more. 

THIS is fake this is just a joke!!!

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