The Adventures of Junior and Friends - Episode 3 - The Chaos Emeralds!

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(The episode opens up with nice blue sky then it scrolls down to the House of The Belles where we see Junior and Anaylse playing football outside.)

Anaylse: Alright Junior see If you catch this one! - Anaylse said

Junior: Well see about that. - Junior replied

(Anaylse throws the football so high that it hits a bird while Junior is running trying to get the football.)

Junior: (panting) I got it!, I got it! - Junior said while running

(But before Junior could catch the football, A shiny red jewel is seen on the floor and while Junior wasn't looking he trips on the jewel on accident)

Junior: Ow! - Junior groaned

Anaylse: Junior you okay?! - Anaylse said while running to Junior

Junior:  Yeah I'm fine and I also tripped on something - Junior said while picking up the mysterious jewel

Anaylse: What is it ? - Anaylse asked

Junior - I don't know but it looks a red jewel -Junior said while showing the jewel to Anaylse

Anaylse: This could be powerful jewel, We better show this to Penny! - Anaylse said

Junior: Yeah, Good Idea! - Junior said while putting the jewel in his pocket

(The two start running to Penny's house with the jewel and When they finally made it, Junior barges in without knocking on the door.)

Junior: (fast talk) Penny we got something to show you! - Junior said while talking fast

(Penny jumps when the two barge and she spills some kind of green liquid and cleans it up and looks at the two annoyed.)

Penny: (annoyed) Can you guys just knock the door like normal people? - Penny said rather annoyed

Junior: Oh sorry. - Junior apologized

Penny: So what is it you guys wanted to so me? - Penny aksed

Anaylse: Well while we were playing football in the backyard, Junior tripped on this red jewel - Anaylse explanied

(The red jewel shines and sparkles on Anaylse's hand, Then Penny gasped in amazement while looking at it.)

Penny: (gasps) No way! Is that what I think it is? - Penny said amazed

Junior: No what is it? - Junior asked

Penny: You guys have one of the 7 Chaos Emeralds! -  Penny said while looking at it

Junior: Whoa! Really? - Junior asked

Penny: Uh- huh! - Penny replied

Junior: Well, you think you can analyze it? - Junior asked

Penny: Yeah, Come to my lab! - Penny said happily

Anaylse: OK! - Anaylse said happily

(The 3 make it to Penny's lab which looked very awesome by the way it had beakers, books etc. Then Penny places the emerald down to scan it's information.)

Junior: Well what does it say? - Junior asked

Penny: Each emerald has it's own unique power! - Penny replied

Anaylse: What powers do they all have? - Anaylse asked

Penny: Let me see. - Penny replied

Penny: Alright here all of the emerald powers. - Penny said

Penny: The blue emerald allows the user to perform a spin attack or spindash, This can be useful for some blocks or boulders in the way. Next is then green emerald, It allows the user a powerful tornado spin and This can be used to blow enemies or hazards away! The red emerald allows the user super speed which can outrun anything or anyone! The purple emerald gives the user a protective shield which can be used to block projectiles! The yellow emerald gives the user gigantic strength which can be used to grab large rocks and boulders in our way! The turqouise emerald allows the user to invisible. This can be used to sneak on enemies! and Last but not least the white emerald grants the user to teleport! This can be useful for certain platforms that the user can't reach! - Penny said while reading all of their descriptions

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