Chapter 17

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May 13, 2022

It's been months since that video call ended. I've been contemplating whether to delete my Facebook account because it didn't serve its purpose from the very beginning, but in the end, I decided not to because I find it convenient these days.

During that time, I also received friend requests from his cousins. They are the ones who actually added me as a friend. At first, I hesitated whether to accept them, but I thought maybe nothing bad would happen if I accepted them.

The only thing that surprised me is that they added me at the same time, and sometimes they talk to me as if we are close, just like today.

"Hi, do you remember me?" his cousin Enzo messaged me one day.

"Of course," I replied.

"Russelle didn't tell us that he had a friend like you," he said.

"What do you mean by a friend like me?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"A cute one," he replied.

"Okay, as if," I replied.

"As if what?" he asks.

"As if he will talk about me," I answered, shaking my head.

"Hmm, I wonder why he really didn't," he replied, and at this point, I didn't reply.

After a few minutes, he suddenly messaged me again. I didn't expect what he would say next, so I got annoyed and answered him directly.

"Hmm, a snob? I like that attitude. I think I like you already," he said.

"I have no time for this. Bye," I replied, logging out.

What's his deal? I like you. Why is it so easy for them to say those words? Do they even know what it means?

My thoughts were interrupted when our group chat popped up. I saw Cal have a message, so I clicked on it.

"Guys, what are your plans for college?" he asks.

"Cal, I cannot deal with you. We're not even finished in senior high school, yet you're talking about studying again," Adie replied.

"I'm not talking to you," Cal replied.

"Don't mess with me, Callum Ezra Angeles. I'll smack you when I see you," Adie said.

"I'm just asking what your plans are. Of course, we should have a plan for our future," Cal replied.

"Well, my parents talked about it, and they said they want me to study in Manila for college," Adie said.

"Really? That's so nice because I'm going to study in Manila as well. My parents want to move there, actually," Kean messaged.

"Sheesh! We're all the same then. I already applied for scholarships at one of the top universities in Manila. There's one who already reached out to me, and I just need to pass their entrance exam," Cal said.

"How about you, Eli? Where do you plan to study in college?" Kean asked.

"I still don't know because we haven't talked about it at home. I'll ask them later about it to let you guys know," I answered.

After answering him, I left my phone for a while so that I could take a bath. The weather is so hot these days. It's summer now, so it just makes sense.

Time flies so fast. It's been 6 years already. I wonder how he is doing. Is he okay now?

Until now, we still haven't talked. The last time I saw him was during that video call with Adie and his cousins. I wonder if he's also thinking about me.

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