1. Dr Shaw

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I kept glancing at my phone, waiting for the inevitable text from her, daring it to ring.

"Zeke, cut it out. You're making me anxious," Harper grumbled.

"I'm sorry, I'll put it on silent." I smiled apologetically to my best friend, hiding my screen from my eyeline.

"It's been like three months since you broke up. Why don't you start looking for something to take your mind off it?" She pressed.

I sighed, "You know I wish I could."

Her eyebrows drew together, confused, "What's stopping you?"

"It wouldn't be fair trying to get to know someone if I'm still hung up on May," I shrugged.

"Right... that is actually a fair point." Right... that's a valid point," she conceded, nodding slowly. After a few seconds her face lit up, "Hey, you know what you could do?"

I groaned, burying my face in my hands, instantly knowing what she was gonna suggest, "Not this again," I mumbled.

"Come on Zeke." Harper dragged on, "She really helped me when I was going through it. Plus if I refer you you'll get your introduction for free." She added with a sweet smile, trying to persuade me.

My ears perked up, "Free?" I inquired.

My enthusiasm was met with a blank stare, "Of course that's what you bloody pick up on... Yes Zelia, for free."

"Well, why didn't you start with that? Let's go right now." I said, gathering my stuff.

She grabbed my hand stopping me from faffing, "You need to book an appointment dumbass." She rolled her eyes at me, picking up my phone before pressing a load of buttons, "I'm sending her a message on her Instagram."

"Okay, now what?"

"Now..." She placed my phone back on the table, "You wait for a reply." Harper grinned proudly, "She's usually fully booked so it may take a while for an appoint-" She looked at my phone confused, picking it back up. "- ment"

I leaned over, trying to peek at my screen, "Is that her?" I asked, straining to get a better look.

She looked at me blankly, "If you're referring to Ryan then yes."

"If YoU'rE rEfFeRrInG tO rYaN tHeN yEs," I mumbled sarcastically, crossing my arms whilst slouching back on the bench.

 She pressed a load more buttons before returning my phone to me, allowing me to see. "You've got an appointment in half an hour so get up we're going." She instructed, collecting her stuff.

"Hang on wait, I thought we were gonna go get some food?" I panicked trying to gather my shit together.

"Babes we can get food tomorrow, this is more important." She said, walking towards the bus stop.

"Hey wait for me!" I shouted.

"Hurry up it's 20 minutes away." She called back nonchalantly.

"Alright alright, I'm coming bloody hell," I said out of breath, eventually catching up with her at the bus stop.

"I was really hungry as well." I pouted.

"For what? May? Don't worry we'll fix that." She said, ruffling my hair.



We finally made it to the building where her office was supposed to be.

"This is the place?" I muttered, taking in the architecture.

"Pretty right? Her office is on the second floor." She said, calling the intercom.

I nodded in response, studying the intricate details of the building's decoration.

A woman's voice replaced the ringing in the intercom, stealing my attention. "Dr Shaw's Office, how can I help?"

"Hi, I'm just dropping Zelia off." She smiled even though the intercom couldn't see her.

"Sounds great I'll come down."

I rocked on my heels, waiting in anticipation whilst Harper just stood there laughing at me, "She's not gonna bite your head off don't worry she's very professional. All she'll do is listen to you and give you advice for an hour it's great."

Before I could reply, the door buzzed open. My eyes darted towards the sound, timidly observing the figure that stepped out the door.

A cascade of brunette hair fell over slender shoulders, drawing me in. My gaze trailed down to a navy button-up shirt that hugged her frame perfectly, tucked into black trousers that matched her black boots, which echoed across the pavement as she approached.

Harper cleared her throat, gently nudging me in the ribs.

I watched in awe as the woman stuck her hand out for me to shake, a slight smirk playing on her lips, "You must be Zelia, I'm Doctor Shaw but you can call me Ryan."

"Hi." I returned her gesture, trying my best to ignore the softness of her hands.

She smiled, her gaze lingering on mine for a moment before turning to Harper.

"Harper, I see you're looking well. How have things been?" She questioned.

"I am indeed, It's been great I literally have not thought about them once until I brought you up to Zeke." She beamed proudly.

"That's good to hear." She smiled before turning her attention back to me, a curious look on her face, "So Zeke huh? Can I call you Zeke or would you prefer Zelia?" 

"Mhm." I smiled painfully, trying to keep my emotions under control.

She raised an eyebrow, amusement twinkling in her eyes, "Is that a yes?"

"Mhm," I confirmed.

"Not much of a talker, this one?" she laughed, though her question was directed at Harper.

Harper furrowed her brows, studying me, "She usually is, I don't know why she's shut up all of a sudden."

I nodded at them both, attempting a smile.

"It's okay, I do love a challenge."

"Good luck, she's been brainwashed." Harper sighed sarcastically.

"I have not been bloody brainwashed." I blurted out, my brain finally working again.

"Well hello there." Ryan's eyebrows rose in surprise, another smirk tugging at her lips.

Harper clapped her hands, breaking the tension, "Right well I'm gonna go so she can't talk her way out of it. Zeke, I'll see you later this week and Ryan, please take good care of her."

"Don't worry, she's safe with me. It was nice to see you. I do hope things continue to go well." Ryan smiled, shaking Harper's hand.

"See you later," I mumbled, smiling sadly as I watched her leave me with a beautiful stranger.

"Shall we go in?"

"If we must," I sighed.

She laughed, amused by my lack of enthusiasm as she buzzed the door open, waiting for me to enter.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

This ought to be interesting.

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