Nightmares - lilacs & daisies au

142 3 17

The au is just a name for an au, it's where they both live in the same apartment complex and shit.. Sorry for taking so long to upload this, dealt with some personal issues and had to get my laptop clean...


Zam woke up in a cold sweat, he was gasping for air as he sat up in bed quickly. He took a look at his surroundings and noticed he had fallen asleep on the couch; he was in the living-room with a blanket over his body.

He pushed it off, his breathing was shaky, and his body was trembling. He noticed the tv was off and figured Planet must be home, or at least that's what he hoped...

"Planet?" He called as he stood up, he didn't himself a moment at all. He just started walking over towards the hallway of the apartment, he turned on the hallway light as it lit up the way dimly.

He heard faint meows and noticed his bedroom door open; he figured it might've been Jerry. So, he didn't bother checking. He walked down the hallway, trying to make it to PlanetLord's room on wobbly legs.
He eventually made it though, he put his hand on the knob of the door and opened it.

He was expecting to see Planet, but nope. He turned on the light to make sure there was no tricks being played.

But he wasn't there. It hasn't been five days yet.
Zam sighed, he felt hopeless and alone. He turned off the light and closed the door, he might as try to figure something out in order to get over the fact he was home alone and just had a nightmare.

He walked down the hallway and went to the kitchen; he noticed a paper on the kitchen counter and picked it up.

"Rent due."

"Fuck... I forgot all about this." Zam groaned as he set the paper back down, he started to rethink his life choices and thought of something...

"I could... go to Redd's apartment and ask to stay there for a bit..."

He muttered softly to himself; Redd did live diagonally to him. But what if he didn't like that? And he also remembered that Redd didn't like him very much right now, he should still attempt though.

Zam sighed and moved away from the counter, he walked over towards the door and grabbed the keys from a hook on the wall. He slipped on some slippers and opened the door; he began to hear rain.


It almost sounded like a thunderstorm with how heavy it was, he might as well hurry over to Reddoons' place without warning.
Zam walked out of his apartment and closed the door, he made sure to lock it too just in case.

He started making his way over as he heard the sounds of the storm, rain and thunder. It only enhanced Zam's fear even more.

Once he made it over, he knocked on the door. It was most likely late, but Zam didn't know that. He didn't check the time before leaving, he waited for a response as he listened to the rain. The door then opened and there appeared Reddoons, he seemed confused and tired.
"Zam? What are you doing here? It's three in the fucking morning...!"

He didn't sound upset which was good, instead concerned... and still confused!! Zam looked at him as the silence between them went awkward. "Uhmm... I- I had a nightmare..."

He sounded embarrassed about it as Redd sighed. "And you came here because...?" Redd was hoping for an answer for this. Zam was a little confused about the response, he didn't what to say.

"Uh.. W-well, Planet wasn't home. So..." Zam was abruptly cut off as Reddoons began to speak up. "So, you came here because your roommate wasn't home to comfort you pretty much?" He basically summed up the entire reason why Zam came here in the first place, it wasn't a surprise to Redd though.

Zam just nodded as a response, he heard Redd chuckle as he looked up. He noticed him smile and then cover it up using his hand, he started to chuckle as he found it kinda funny. Redd looked at Zam and sighed, he might as well let him in. "Okay. Come in, Zam." He moved out of the way allowing Zam inside of his place, this brought Zam some peace and relief as he thought Redd wasn't going to allow to stay.

He walked inside and looked at Redd, he blushed slightly as he felt a bit embarrassed over this and because he had a crush on Redd. Meanwhile, Redd was just completely calm over this.

Once Zam was inside, he admired how Redd's apartment looked as he's never been inside his apartment before. He heard the sound of the front door closing behind him, he turned around and saw Redd locking it. Most likely in case someone tries to break in through there.

Redd walked past him and patted his head as he sighed, he walked into his kitchen and noticed Zam wasn't moving. "Zam?" He spoke up, he seemed a little confused as he noticed Zam jump slightly and look at him. "Uh.. y-yeah?" Zam responded, tilting his head.

"Do you need anything to drink, or are you tired?" Redd questioned; he was curious on Zam's answer as he watched him in silence. "...uhhh... Well, I wouldn't say I'm thirsty..." Zam chuckled as he kept talking, "but I am a bit tired." He added as he noticed Redd walking over to him, he felt his wrist being grabbed and being dragged to the living room.

"Alright, then you can sleep on the couch." Redd pointed over to it with his free hand as he looked at Zam like all the fucking answers were obvious. Zam looked at the couch and looked at Redd, he yawned. "I already slept on the couch at my apartment though..." He stated as he looked sad, Reddoons just looked at him dumbfounded as he looked down at his face.

He rolled his eyes and turned his head, looking down the hallway. He groaned and looked back at Zam. "... Fine, you can sleep in my room then." He replied, he didn't seem too happy though. But was fine it none the less, Zam blushed from this. "I'll take the couch instead." Redd added which Zam had gotten his hopes up as he thought the two of them were going to be sleeping in the bed together.

He nodded though as Redd patted his head. "My room's down the hall to the right, it should be the last door." He stated, basically sending Zam off. He turned away and went to sit on the couch, Zam began to walk away from Redd.

Heading to the hall and started walking down it, making it to the end. "Dammit..." He spoke quietly, he expected something else to happen as he groaned. But he was fine with it none the less, he made to the end and opened the door to his right.

He looked into the room and saw a desk with a pc set up, across from it was a bed. Most likely Redd's, Zam didn't look around too much. So, he didn't bother snooping around.
He yawned as he closed his eyes, then opened them again.

He decided he might as well make himself comfortable as he walked over to the bed, he was a little nervous as he grabbed the blanket and moved it. He sat down on the bed and laid down as he moved the blanket onto his body, he sighed as he slowly fell asleep..

Okay, I'm working on requests. So, please be patient.
Or Istg I will murder you all.
I'm kidding... maybe..

WC: 1284

Zamdoons one shots !!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat