author's note

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First of all, thank you for reading this. I don't know if it will be to your satisfaction or not, but I hope you laugh reading this, that's the motive of this chatfic after all.

N E way

I just want to put some warnings here, cause alot of people might not be comfortable while reading those disturbing topics... so if you are not comfortable, please don't read this book.

TW for this chatfic!

-swearing (a lot)

-sexual jokes

-flirting (? i don't know how to tho, so who knows)

-dark humor

-charecters are ooc (that's expected of a chatfic ig)

-kinda various x reader i haven't decided yet tbh

-possible manga/anime spoilers

-teensy bit of crossover like, naruto, aot, jjk, bsd and more <3

that's it! if there is more later on, i'll edit this <3 i hope you enjoy!
muah! love you!

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