Chapter 20

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July 13, 2023

I woke up early again this morning because of my morning class schedule. I am currently cooking breakfast for myself, but I cooked some extra for my babies so that they will already have food when they wake up. I am happy that I get to help them even with this simple gesture. They are like brothers to me, so I should at least help them whenever I can.

They're still sleeping when I finish cooking, so I ate alone. After that, I remembered that I still hadn't replied to my mother's text last night, so I did that first before I took a bath. She was asking how I am and if I'm doing well.

"Good morning, Mama. We're all good here. It's our second day at school today, and so far I'm liking it. Don't worry about me because we're helping each other out," I replied.

I took a shower after clicking send. Usually, it takes me 15-20 minutes to take a bath, but today I finished in just 5 minutes.

I entered my room once again to get dressed. Kean is still deep in his sleep. I moved quietly so I wouldn't wake him up.

Then I take a look at my watch, and it says that I only have 35 minutes left to go to school.


I arrived at exactly 7:45 a.m. so I still have 15 minutes left before my 8 o'clock class.

"Oh, my god! Eli, are you also in this class?" Camille asked when she saw me enter the room.

"Yes," I answer.

"Just sit right here," she said, pointing to the seat beside her.

"Thanks," I said as I sat down.

"Let me look at your schedule so I can see if we're the same," she said.

When I was about to get my registration form from my bag, where my class schedules were written, we suddenly heard a noise outside our room.

What's happening? Why are they noisy? What's the commotion all about?

I turned to look at the door, and my eyes widened when I saw Zeke enter with a girl.

Wow! They were holding hands. I guess that's the reason why it's so noisy outside.

Is it allowed to publicly display your affection at school? How about us? How about us who don't have someone to hold hands with?

Kidding aside, Tanya looks so beautiful. She's like a princess. She looks so classy and elegant.

No wonder Zeke likes him, although Zeke doesn't really look at his physical attributes. They really look good together. They complimented each other's looks.

I immediately looked away from them and just looked at my bag. I pretended to look for my registration form because they would pass by in my direction. I don't want him to see me looking at them.

"Is that his girlfriend?" I heard Camille's seatmate say.

"I don't know," Camille answered.

"I think she is because they're holding hands, right?" she said.

"So Russelle already has a girlfriend," Camille muttered.

I can sense sadness in her tone, but I didn't mind it because I'm busy pretending.

"They look good together. They are so lucky to have one another," Camille's seatmate said.

"Eli, do you know her?" Camille whispered to me.

"No," I said shortly and directly.

I'm not trying to be a bitch or something when I say no to Camille. In my defense, I may know Tanya's name, but I don't really know her as a person. That's why I said no.

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