Chapter 25

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December 9, 2023

When I woke up, the first thing that came to mind was to wish Kean a happy birthday, so I immediately got up from bed and ran to Kean's room.

I want to be the first one to greet him today.

I knocked when I got to their door, but no one answered, so I grabbed the doorknob and found out that it was not locked. I decided to open it because I had nothing to lose and my intentions were good.

After entering, I saw that Kean was not inside, and only Enzo was there, lying on the bed.

Where is Kean? Is he in the bathroom?

I approached the bathroom door and noticed that the door was also open and no one was there.

It only means one thing. He's downstairs.

I hurriedly left their room and closed the door to go down to the living room. There, I found Kean lying on the couch, watching TV.

"Kean! Happy birthday!" I shouted and lied with him on the couch.

"Eli, you're too loud," he said, covering his ears.

"So? It's normal to be loud on birthdays," I said.

"It's too early in the morning. They might be asleep yet," he said.

"Don't mind them. What do you want to do today?" I enthusiastically ask.

"Hey! You're making so much noise! Why are you yelling?" Cal said, frowning.

"I'm awake, so all of you should be awake as well," I said.

"Where's the logic in that?" he asks.

"There's no logic. The point is, all of you should get up now," I said, and he instantly rolled his eyes before going downstairs.

"So? What do you want to do today?" I ask again, turning my head to Kean.

"It's fine with me if we just celebrate here. You can cook my favorite foods this time," he said.

"Why do you want that? What if we go out to celebrate? Let's go for a walk so we can breathe some fresh air," I suggested.

"He said he wants to celebrate here. Why would you suggest that? Is it your birthday?" Cal mockingly said.

"Why are you so hot-headed? Can't I make a suggestion?" I ask.

"Actually, I like Eli's suggestion. Come on, guy. Let's go out. I know a good place," someone suddenly said.

We all looked up, and we saw Enzo smiling while scratching and fixing his bed hair.

"Aish! You startled me," I said.

"Just wake them all up. I'll take care of where we're going," Enzo said.

"That's fantastic. Come on, and let's wake them up," I happily said.

I went back up to my room and then prepared my things. I also woke up Adie, who was still sleeping peacefully in bed.

"Adie! Wake up now. We're going outside," I said, but it didn't work.

"Adie!" I yelled.

"What?! You're so noisy!" he yelled back.

"We're going out," I replied.

"Huh? Where are we going?" he asks.

"I still don't know, but Enzo said he'd take care of where we were going," I answered.

"Tsk! It's too early to hear that effing name," he snarlingly said.

"Just get up now. It's for Kean's birthday," I reminded him.

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