Chapter 28

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January 5, 2024

I was cleaning my room early in the morning when I suddenly heard people talking outside. I got confused because it was only 5 o'clock in the morning, and usually all of them are still asleep.

After fixing my bed, I went out of my room only to find Cal, Leo, and Enzo in the living room. I also noticed that they were carrying two duffle bags each.

Why are they here? Why are they carrying those bags? Did they run away? Are they going somewhere?

"Eli," Cal said when he saw me walk out of my room.

"What happened? Why are they here?" I ask.

"I am so sorry," Leo said.

"Did we wake you up?" Enzo asks.

"No, I was already awake when I heard you guys talking," I said.

"Okay, that's a relief," Leo muttered.

"So, why are you guys here?" I ask.

"I can't stand him. He's just being unreasonable," Leo said, frowning.

"Who is?" I ask, even though I already have an idea who it is.

"Is it because of what happened earlier?" Cal asks.

"Of course I'm talking about Russelle, and we kind of fought," Leo said.

"Why? What exactly happened? Why did you guys fight?" I ask.

"That bitch!" Leo cursed, referring to Tanya.

"Did you guys talk to him about her?" I ask.

"No, I'm not even minding him earlier. He's the one who initiated the talk, and then we fought because he was being an ass," Leo explained.

"Oh, my god. Why did it come to this?" Cal worriedly said.

"I don't know the right words to say, but please try not to be harsh on him. It's not good to ruin your relationship with your cousin because of a girl," I said.

"Exactly my point, but because of what he did, I'm sure that our relationship will fall apart," Leo firmly said.

"Enzo, will you talk to Russelle?" I ask.

"No, don't even bother to talk to him. He's blinded already. It's like she put a charm on him," Enzo replied.

"You know what? He told me he still likes Tanya despite what happened," Leo said.

"He's stupid," Enzo mockingly said.

"At first he was so angry with Tanya, but when she explained her side of the story to him, he said that he understood her. Then he's asking us to understand her as well? Is he really out of his mind?" Leo mockingly said.

"Hell no," Enzo muttered.

"It's too early to be stressed out. I know you guys have been frustrated about him, so have some rest. I'll just take a bath," I said.

"Thank you, Eli," they both said.

I took a bath real quick, and when I got out of the bathroom, Cal and Leo were gone. Enzo was the only one left in the living room, and he looked sleepy.

"Enzo, where are they?" I ask him, and he just points to Cal's room.

"They're both there?" I ask, and he nods.

"You look sleepy. Haven't you slept yet?" I ask.

"Not really," he said, and then he yawned.

"I slept for like 4 hours, and then I heard them yelling," he added.

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