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Special Guest: Ruin

January 10th 2024

U-3 Bunker

Eclipse knew he heard someone also enter the U-3 bunker; and he was going to find them. He then smirked when he saw Ruin; and creeped towards him.

''THERE YOU ARE.'' Eclipse rasps menacingly.

''Oh dear...'' Ruin falls on his behind. ''Oof.''

Eclipse giggles. ''Now for the question; are we working together, hm. Either way; I still spooked you hehe....''

Ruin grunts; and tried to get up.

''HEY THERE RUIN HAHA!'' Eclipse laughs.

Ruin flinched. ''Ah! Oh satan!'' He was embaressed.

Eclipse heard that; and laughed again. ''What was that? Hm? Are you a Satanist like me? Hm?''

''Oh nothing my good man!'' Ruin chuckles. He was still embaressed, and spin his rays; and hat.

Eclipse tsked; and also looked embaressed to admit this. ''It doesnt matter if we are working together or not; I like you. Youre ok.''

Ruin looked confused. ''I thought you were going to call me a m-

Eclipse tsked. ''I dont know what our relationship is so lets just watch but I like you.''

He also spins his rays.

Ruin looks at their guests. ''They are reading this arent they...?'' He looked tense but sill waved. 


Eclipse snickers; and stares at their ''guests'' . '' So what hehe....''

Ruin then giggles micheviously. ''Fair point.''

Eclipse rasps menancgly; and laughs. ''HEY THERE GUYS. HEHEHAH.''

Important: The plot of this book is following canon so if they turn out to not be friendnemies; it will change but I still see them as friendnemies.
Note: Thank you for making ''My Mind Is Instable'' my number one book here on Wattpad. I apperciate you all. Seriously though; Eclipse is hot; and is my favorite in the Sun and Moon Show. He is a good person in my eyes. I also like Ruin; and Blood Moon but they dont come close to how much I worship Eclipse. The lord is back! Even Lord Eclipse is back! Its a great year so far thanks to them.
Enjoy this lovely sequel.

- Kian Ambrosia

Immortal Eclipse (Sequel to ''My Mind Is Unstable'')Where stories live. Discover now