If Unicorns Could Talk

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Of all of the creatures found under the sun,

Which is it you'd say is the specialest one?

A lion perhaps with a flowy thick mane?

Or maybe a dolphin renowned for its brain?

The list you can choose from is endlessly long,

But sorry to say you'll most likely be wrong.

There's one correct answer to pass on this test:

That answer's a unicorn; hands down the best.

Why is it unicorns? How could it not!?

With all that they are and the things that they've got.

Fantastical creatures that put on a show,

Of starlight and rainbows wherever they go.

And then there's the horn which just sparkles and gleams,

With glitter and hugs mixed with giggles and dreams.

With all this considered it's almost unfair;

There's nothing else out there that starts compare.

Yet while overall they're impossibly good,

There's something they can't do I wish that they could.

Despite all the awesome on show when they walk,

These magical beasts are unable to talk.

But let's say they could, just for argument's sake,

What things might they speak of? What chat would they make?

If right at this second one came by your way,

What is it you think it would possibly say?

Perhaps it would tell of its travels of Earth,

From Lima, Peru to the city of Perth.

A day in New Delhi and weekend in Greece,

A few nights in Cape Town and two more in Nice.

From there to Sri Lanka and maybe Shanghai,

A stop in Zimbabwe and then to Dubai.

The tales it could tell you of here and then there,

Would likely excite with amusement to spare.

Just think of the things it could say. What it did, who it met...

Sadly, unicorns can't talk.

Or maybe this creature, if in the right mood,

Would give you its picks for the yummiest food.

Like blueberry muffins and Black Forest cake,

And cherry-topped glasses of strawberry shake.

And what about donuts? They probably love,

The ones filled with cream with the icing above.

With sprinklings of sprinkles on every last treat,

Who wouldn't enjoy all that unicorns eat?

Or maybe they like grass. Who knows? I certainly don't. Why? Because unicorns can't talk.

It's possible too, while you're chatting away,

It shares how it likes to spend time every day.

Partaking in pastimes and games of all sorts,

In unicorn hobbies and unicorn sports.

Like maybe it quibbles for hours on end,

Or quinks with its buddies at Unicorn Bend.

With stories of fun and furlanking all day,

You'd barely believe all the things it would say.

You're probably wondering what all of this means. Well, you'd have to ask a unicorn and I'm sure by now you see the problem. Unicorns can't talk.

It's quite the conundrum...

Or starting the talk it could possibly lead,

With what type of book it finds pleasing to read.

Like stories of dragons with castles and kings,

Or those about science and sciencey things.

Whatever the subject I'm sure that it finds,

The stuff that makes dreams and feeds fanciful minds.

And with all this reading the more that it knows,

And more its inventiveness widens and grows.

Now a unicorn could never confirm this, as unicorns can't talk and all, but I hear they just love anything by F.C. Christian.

Actually, that's a pretty well-known unicorn fact...

It could be the info it chooses to give,

Would give you a glimpse of where unicorns live.

The smell of the trees and the feel of the ground;

The warmth of the sun and the joy all around.

The light wispy clouds in the vibrant blue sky,

And flowers that dance as the breezes blow by.

A wide-open dreamscape of fields it can roam,

That make up the land that it's proud to call home.

There's no telling the picture it could paint.

Like really, it couldn't tell you. Unicorns can't talk.

Or small talk aside what it might choose to do,

Is take up the time asking things about you.

To learn what you're into and let you convey,

Your thoughts on if pineapple pizza's okay.

It just might so happen you both get along,

And start up a friendship both lasting and strong.

With top-secret handshakes and buckets of fun,

So chummy and close that you're practically one.

Unfortunately, unicorns can't talk.

You can still be friends though. It'll just be more of an unspoken connection.

Should you and a unicorn happen to meet,

You'll see overall that they're still pretty neat.

Despite this one downside I'm sure that you'll find,

There's nothing else like them; They're one of a kind.

So try to be friendly and feed it a snack,

Then, if it agrees, take a ride on its back;

And soon for a fact even you can attest,

How unicorns rock; They're hands down the best.


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