chapter one 🧚‍♂️

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"felipe what are you doing in here! *laugh* don't scare me like that!" crybaby said. she left for school and told felipe she would be back in a while but did she return? *groan* "we're is crybaby?" said crybaby's mum still drunk.. "l-left!" said Felipe! he could talk? "shut up felipe" said crybaby's mum "stupid stupid spider.." she whispered but felipe heard it. he was scared of her because she always said to crybaby she would chop felipes head of and crybaby's brother used to tease felipe when they were little but crybaby always protected him because he was only a small spider 🕷️ felipe decided to search for crybaby! *crawls to door* "cry babwyy whewre are uu??" felipe said as he struggled to speak. "crybabys mwum! opennn the dwoor" he said not knowing how she was going to react "alright but pass me the alcohol bottle.." crybaby's  mum said about to pass out again. "but I cwant move heavy tings!" felipe said softly. "just move it or something" felipe nearly wasn't gonna agree with her but he had to find crybaby.. he walked up the table and pushed the half drunk bottle. *graps* "thanks fel-i-pa.." said crybaby's mum "can you open the door now please?" felipe said. "yeaaaa of course!" *door opens slightly* "thank you!" he said, and he went straight out the door! "wow its swo strange?" felipe said shocked "that's the rwoute to k umm k? oh k thrwough  twelve!" he crawl-ran to the bus stop. he only had a piece of bread and some water for his journey :( 💗
"excuse mwe! have you seen uhh thwe pink bus!" felipe said to another kid that must've been late for the bus. "a talking spider what..? oh um! im walking to k-12 so do u wanna come with?" a girl said "ywes! thank uuu"

? oh um! im walking to k-12 so do u wanna come with?" a girl said "ywes! thank uuu"

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it was magnolia! 💗

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it was magnolia! 💗

what happend to felipe after k-12? (READ DESC)Where stories live. Discover now