Hajikei <3

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It was a day like any other, the subtle breeze slipping in through the folds of the curtains within the Journalist's household. Sitting at his desk crowded with newpapers and scrapped articles, Nikei was sluggishly slaving away at a draft on a potential scoop he had only discovered just recently. He hadn't had much time to catch up with the other voids, though in most cases Yomiuri couldn't care less as it failed to grab his interest.. unless it was beneficial for him and his ego of course. Although this was starting to take toll on their search for utsuro, causing it to delay results; which he couldn't quite seem to scratch from his mind.

Nikei let out a stubborn sigh as he reluctantly reached over and grabbed his phone, proceeding to shoot his colleagues, Iroha, Emma and Hajime a text to see if any were available to meet up and discuss "business". Although unfortunately to his dismay, most were occupied as they too had lives they had to live and jobs to do. The journalist had given up hope of getting any progress done today with void.. that was until a notification popped up on his phone, the small buzzing almost immediately capturing his attention. It was the Ultimate boxer, probably the least annoying among void plus the most bearable one out of the few.. to Yomiuri at least, that was his own personal opinion. Hajime had agreed to spare some time and meet up with Nikei fortunately enough, however he gave a warning that if he caught a glimpse of anything unhealthy, he'd have a few harsh words to say about it; what a pain in my ass..

Plans were settled then, it was only going to be the pair of them today. Though for his own sanity, the raven haired boy decided to tidy up his room. He was attempting to hide any indications that he had been neglecting his health as of recently, he couldn't allow Hajime to take note how slowly his health had been declining; fortunately it wasn't too serious as of now.

As what felt like a century passed, the journalist heard a deafening loud banging on his front door. Just by the volume and enthusiasm he could safely assume it was Hajime who was knocking, and his assumption was correct. As the older void opened the door to his home, Hajime stood there arms crossed and drenched in sweat. He most likely had jogged here as he was always on about getting enough exercise and physical activity. Though Nikei couldn't help but question his methods.. Jogging to his house on a boiling day like this... Really?

The two had settled inside in no time, the blonde helping himself to some water as Nikei sat down on the small couch in the living room, Waiting for his fellow void to return.

Even once the boxer had returned and sat down next the the slim figure though it was... Awkward, they had never really gotten to hang out alone before, usually Emma and iroha were there to also accompany them with their colourful personalities, and Nikei wasn't the biggest on small talk or pointless conversation at all in all honesty.

As the buffer figure sneaked glances at the journalist though and his living arrangements, he could easily tell Nikei was not getting out much. He looked tired and alot more sickly then usual, Hajime knew it all too well, so it wasn't hard for him to detect it almost immediately. This caused the health addict to shoot the journalist a stern glare, obviously not impressed at the negligence Nikei had displayed to himself.

Once the frail boy noticed the glare his comrade was giving him, his neutral expression shifted into one of frustration. attempting to intimidate the blonde with a stare of his own, As leader to Nikei that meant his authority over all and that his presence should not be taken lightly. Yet to the boxer, he didn't view the journalist like that, but as a dear friend who had suffered struggles just like him, a friend he could rely on to get any job done.

"Why the hell are you giving me such a stupid look?!?"

alarmed by the way Hajime showed no signs of succumbing or cowering to the voids piercing glare, Yomiuri had developed a defensive tone in his voice. His left eye twitching in great annoyance, though this could be partically to blame for neglecting sleep, It had caused the raven haired boy to be more uptight and irritable then usual.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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