The missing Member

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Soon the famous Kpop group known as ITZY finished their promotion for the newest release Born To Be. The girls were relaxing, after a performance of Untouchable, Mr. Vampire and Born to be, soon Ryujin's (rai-yoo-jin) phone notification went off “who is it from?” Yeji (Yeh-jee) asked intrigued since lately Lia hasn't texted any of the group or JYP, altho she was on hiatus for a few months she always texted Yeji at some point. The other two stop what they were doing and focus on Ryujin and what she is about to read in the text message she has received. Ryujin looked down at her phone “It's from an unknown number” she continued reading the text messages “Hello this is anon, if you were curious about Lia’s wearabouts don’t she is safe and okay. Don't bother looking for her.” Chaeryeong (cheh-ree-anag) covered her mouth with her hand in shock “is lia okay?, is this why she hasn't been texting Yeji?” Ryujin placed her hand on Chaeryeong's shoulders “calm down Chaeryeong well figured this out.” Yuna (yoo-nuh) looked at Yeji waiting for her to say something since she is the leader. Yeji opened her mouth and said “should we report this to JYP?” Yuna grabbed her phone from the carpet on the floor “Hey i got a message too!” The room went dead silent waiting for Yuna to read it to the group. “Hello this is anon once again, if you are curious about Lia’s location it is  35.1035° N, 129.0424° E. Meet there before July ends” Chaeryeong realized the coordination is Busan Sea port, “The coordination is in Busan” she quickly googled what the exact location” Ryujin remembering what Yeji asked earlier “Being honest i don't think we should what if Midzy finds out? It'll be trending all over social media” Yuna said “we could tell Midzy on bubble?” Ryujin rolled her eyes since she was getting annoyed a bit “HEY! Don’t roll your eyes at me!” Yuna yelled, Yeji and Chaeryeong giggled at the two antics. “Midzy would still post it and share it with their friends!” Ryujin said angrily. Yeji noticed how easy Ryujin was getting worked up, Yeji walked up to Ryujin inches from her face. “Calm down," She said with a slight glare. “Fine” Ryujin obliged to Yeji words. Yeji let out a smile “Good now let's figure out what we should do” Chaeryeong noticed Yeji’s phone “Yeji!” she yelled out, Yeji walked over and checked the notification “anon once again, hello Yeji. I am very familiar with lia consistent on texting at least once a day. Well I would like to say that dont look forward to her messages any more” Yeji facial expression changed into a worried expression, the message sent a shiver down her spine. Yuna's eyes started to tear up while saying “what if they killed Lia?!” Ryujin yelled “Don't think like that!” Yeji noticed Ryujin was starting to get upset really quickly about Lia.  “RYUJIN!” Yeji yelled to get her attention, Ryujin looked at the leader once more with a monotone expression. “Hey listen, i promise she is okay we just need to figure this out with barely anyone knowing”
Yeji reassuring Ryujin managed to calm her down alot. Ryujin let out a deep breath “okay”
Chaeryeong received a phone call, and the room went dead silent. “Hello?” she answered, waiting for the other person to reciprocate a word but nothing. A few moments later a raspy voice said “Come” then a long pause “Lia” the voice murmured. They heard the phone being passed through something they couldn't really make up what it sounded like but a mixture of static and rustling. They heard a very faint voice crying “G-guys please help me” everyone's eyes widened once they heard the voice as Lia. Yeji said “Lia where are you?” Lia hesitated to answer “I can’t say, but I was with my friend, we was heading toward her place since it was getting late, she noticed a mysterious looking van following us I thought nothing about it soon two masked guys grabbed us and I have no idea where i am i just know its an port” Yuna stood up before saying “Lia, i think we know what port” Lia intrigued “which one?” Yuna said “b-'' The phone call ended. Chaeryeong was starting to get hungry. “Hey, we should eat something before we go.” Yeji smiled and said “Yea lets get tteokbokki (tok-bo-kee)” 

They ordered a ride to a restaurant nearby and soon the staff provided transportation. “So has anyone talked to Lia?” The driver said while looking in his rearview mirror to look at the oldest, Yeji noticed him looking at her “Oh lia she called us a bit before we decided to get some food” they soon arrived at the restaurant.  Ryujin noticed at their was a smudge on Yeji face “Yeji unnie (a name meaning older sister or older female friend)  come here”  Yeji walked up to her, Ryujin grabbed Yeji face with her hand before grabbing a makeup wipe from her bag “hold still” Yeji closed her eye while Ryujin placed the make up near her eyebrow to remove the smudge. Ryujin removed the makeup wipe from her eye “Okay got it” Ryujin slightly kissed Yeji’s cheeks where it wasn't noticeable to someone's eyes, before removing her hand Yeji smiled “thanks dear” she said. Yuna and Chaeryeong were already inside since the two had been taking a long time. Yuna noticed them at the entrance of the restaurant, she stood up waiting for one of them to spot her. Yeji spotted Yuna, she grabbed Ryujin’s arm and took them to the others. Soon the girl knew what they wanted. Yeji notified the waiter to let them know that they were ready to order. The waitress noticed Yeji and walked up to the table “So what can I get you?” Yeji smiled “I would like to have Tteokbokki, she’ll have Ramen, she’ll have tteokbokki as well and she’ll have ramen as well” the waiter finished writing down on her note book, She bowed down “Thank you, you order will be ready soon” she waitress walked off into the kitchen.
Yuna laid her head on Yeji's shoulder “so what are we going to do about Lia” Chaeryeong asked. She noticed that Yeji got a message “Unnie, your phone” Yeji noticed and grabbed her phone “it's from anon again, Hello again so i’ve chosen to not to hurt lia! But the press will know.”  Ryujin relaxed her body. Chaeryeong noticed Ryujin, she gave her a hug from the side, she grabbed Ryujin face, “See she's okay please relax stress isn't good for you” Ryujin smiled at the news “okay”  The food arrived they quickly ate it before having to leave, Yeji paid with her card.
They thanked the restaurant owner and left, Yuna started to zone out. Chaeryeong waved her hand in front of  Yuna's face “yea?” Yuna looked at Chaeryeong. Ryujin stopped walking and looked at the sky “The person has contacted all of us, have they reached jyp yet?” Yeji shrugged her shoulders “I don't think so, he always messages me if there is a problem with the group. He could be busy with another group since VCHA and Twice has a single they should be working on their first album” Yuna  was on her phone ordering Train tickets from Seoul to Busan once she finished she stated  “i ordered us a train to busan lets started heading there now”  Chaeryeong complained “We aren't even packed!’ Yeji looked at Chaeryeong. “We need to save lia so let's go to the train station isn't far. They walked a few miles to the train station “Ugh” Ryujin groaned since she noticed that the train didn't arrive for another 5 minutes. Yuna jokingly smacked Ryujin's shoulder “Its 5 minutes stop groaning '' when the train arrived they quickly boarded it. The train door shut within a  minute, they were on the way to Busan. Yeji was on bubble texting Midzy (mid-zee). Ryujin was on her phone watching a show with Chaeryeong, Yuna was sitting next to Yeji, she played on her phone. After a few hours the train arrived in Busan. Yeji in an urgent order, a cab to the port, the cab arrived within a few minutes “Where to?”  the driver asked “the port please” Yeji responded. The cab arrived at the port Yeji paid for and rushed to catch up with the rest. The moonlight shimmering on the ocean in different shades of blue and the moonlight reflecting off the ses surface giving it a white effect, gave Ryujin a peace of mind, she stopped in her tracks to stare at the water. A few moments later she snapped back to reality. Yuna remembered the coordination she notified the group  before leading to an intermodal container, Yuna stopped “Here what the coordination led to.” Ryujin uneasily unhatched the door and opened it. She peeked inside, worried about what she was about to see, “LIA!” she screamed running to lia excitedly, Lia who was tied up and happy to see her friends “OMG, you guys came!” Lia said happily but anxious knowing that the kidnapper could be anywhere nearby, Yeji said “of course we would itzy is ot5” Chaeryeong untie Lia “where are they?” Yuna asked in a fearful tone , Lia said “we should have an hour before they return. Who knows about you guys leaving?” she asked curiously. Chaeryeong said “nobody we didn't tell anyone since it would be trending all over social media.” Lia chuckled at what Chaeryeong said Yea Midzy is kinda crazy” They walked away from the container. They walked down to the port staring at the water “wanna hear a story my parents told me once?” Lia asked while glaring into the beautiful ocean and leaning against the railing  “Sure” the others responded with. “Okay so once there was a ship and his captain named Tory, Tory was infamous for traveling along the world,he has no home beside his parent house in europe, captain tory managed to travel from America to Afrifca to asia to antarctica” Ryujin interested in the story she looked at Lia“so does he haunt anything?”  She leaned her body against the railing, Lia nodded her head “yea he haunts many ports you'll see a dimly lit lantern, he waves it three time waiting for a ship to arrive, i doubt we'll see him today” Yuna noticed something in the distant “what's that?” She asked curiously, Yeji did a further inspection. “I think it's The story lia just told us about. “Oh wow!” Chaeryeong exclaimed, Lia turn the face the members “let's head home now”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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