6 - Ether tribe - part 1

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The Fealie forest was a lush place with a rich spectrum of greens, purples, pinks and many more colors.

The Fealie Forest was a complete contrast to the rest of the mountain, it felt as if they had been teleported into another universe. The ground was layered with a soft carpet of moss that was bright green and sparkled a little, or was that their imagination? The tall trees had covered most of the sky, preventing sunlight from seeping in, yet the forest did not lack for any light or brightness for that matter, little lights were strung around the lower branches of the trees and decorated along the vines, to make it look like twinkling lights were strung, carelessly around the the forest, accentuating the ambience that was created.

Wild flowers grew, scattered all around the moss. The scene was picturesque, the sight brought a wave of calmness over the the three of them.
Hoesoek, Jimin and Dawn stood in the middle of the forest, not sure which way to go from that point. Upon further investigation, Jimin pointed out that the twinkling lights were little fire bugs. The forest looked the same all around, to the untrained eye. Jimin stepped forward, trying to discern any difference.

Dawn noticed a small movement to her left, she looked over her shoulder and noticed a miniature figure scuttling away. Jimin and Hoesoek's ears perked up, hearing the rustling. Just then a tiny figure popped up in front of Jimin, swinging with the momentum of the vines.
"Ohhhh awwww!" Exclaimed Dawn, reaching forward to hold the little thing before it fell. "Pixies? Here in the forest?" Asked a puzzled Hoesoek.

The tiny pixie standing in Dawns opened palms bowed and said in a sweet yet pinched, squeaky voice, "yes, we live in mutual co-dependancy with the Fealies. They took us in after the war, we felt safe here, after our home was destroyed," said the little pixie, playing with her fingers, looking down at her miniscule feet. "Whats your name little sweetling?" Asked Dawn affectionately, Jimin raised one eyebrow at her, teasingly, "Twyla" said the little pixie, turning her big earthy colored eyes up to meet Dawns hazel ones.

"We decided to live here with the Fealie folk, after the war. Our homes were destroyed by the rebels and we had no place of our own, its quite a nice spread this one", said another pixie that jumped out from behind them patting the ground fondly. "Fine day today! My name is Angelo, how are you doing? Hello!" The pixie seemed to have mixed up his words and spoke his sentences in a reversed order. He had pale yellow hair and was about ten centimeters (0.34 ft) in height, a stark difference to the wolves who were no less than a hundred and ninety centimeters (6.23 ft) tall.

Jimin turned to face the little pixie and offered his hand to him, Angelo climbed onto his palm and looked around at the three intruders. "We need some help finding the King of Fealies." Said Hoesoek, hoping they would be able to help. "Left of the waterfall! Follow the steps down, just before the brook, take the left path when it forks, straight ahead of this baobab tree!" Said the pixie in a gleeful voice, hands clasped together eyes scrunched up, pleased with himself.

Hoesoek rubbed at his temples, Twyla sat kneeling in Dawns palms, shook her head, "Angelo, you always speak backwards, remember what Fealie Tae always says, left to right not right to left", she said signing annoyedly. "Do you think you could show us?" Asked Jimin, smiling down at Twyla, "Why, y-yes I can", she said blushing a deep red, her little face looking like a strawberry, hands holding her face.

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